1.8Mb tzx file? What gives?
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Works lovely from "CD" on my desktop. I do think that if someone's using the CD32 controller (or emulated equivalent ;) ) then up-for-jump should be disabled. It's annoying when you accidentally "tap" up on an XBox controller and jump into a baddie. Some people might want to play with a trad joystick as well, so maybe give people the option?
Great to see this!
Couple of observations/bugs:
I think in the original Wally gradually lost "milk" as time ticked by. That doesn't seem to happen here (which may be an improviement)
Objects reliant on something else to collect them (e.g. the crash helmet) are initially replaced by the substituted item but then the graphic changes back to the original item.
The "venus fly trap" monsters either side of the jerry can can be jumped over successfully only losing some milk energy. I'm sure in the original game they immediately sapped all your energy if you touched them.
Now do Herbert's Dummy Run!
It's brilliant, as we all knew it was going to be :)
A couple of bugs/issues I've noticed:
1. Thumbstick not recognised on standard XBox controller (needs this, with deadzone obviously, the d-pad isn't ideal)
2. character sprite peeks-through the barrel "doorways" when they walk up close to them
Fantastic work again :)
Had a wee shot and...
Pros: Visually it looks terrific, and Commando on the moon with weapon pickups? Ho, yus!
Cons: too few enemies, and the ones we have are bullet sponges that are dull to fight. Have more enemies, that need fewer bullets to kill. Make it more like, well, Commando
Keep at it - from small acorns! <3
Just had a shot of the latest build and so glad to see this excellent indie maturing and improving. A couple of suggestions:
I attacked a gang of outlaws and one of them was killed running into their own camp fire! Whilst this was funny (and you may want to retain for that reason), some improved AI might help. On the other hand - maybe give Outlaws/NPCs differing IQs with the dim ones doing stupid stuff like that.
Something that occurred to me when reading a review of Lost Dutchman Mine (one of this game's influences, if I remember correctly) - the cost of items is way off for 19th century United States - $5 for a pack of matches? It's a minor thing, but might want to consider a money system closer to the historical one.
Keep it up! This is going to be great when it finally leaves Alpha
Love this!
Only problem I'm having is with XBox controller - I can't define commands to the thumbsticks. In an earlier build this wasn't too much problem as the up/down/left/right was also mapped to the left stick but now it's split the left/right and up/down between the two thumbsticks which I'm a lot less keen on.
Really enjoying this game, it's a twist on the usual "city-building" simulator and creating a landscape is really satisfying.
A couple of queries: I noticed that the waterways dry-up when the pumps are recycled which seems a shame and surely impacts on delivery and transport of the recycled equipment to the rocketship. Is there any way to prevent this?
Quite enjoying this but I've noticed some (possible) bugs: you can't go back to a screen previously visited; after losing a life, Ratty sometimes starts at a different part of the screen than he actually entered from; the animated arrows and "whiff" from the cheese remains when the object is picked up
Love the graphic style, btw. Amazing how few platformers use 8x8 sprite sizes
This is really really good, very "MSX" feel for some reason. Nice to see some of the problems with the original (like the stupid fall-damage) fixed making the game play better.
Bug report: my "Key 1" seemed to vanish after I picked it up on Screen 12 meaning I couldn't open its door.
Also: I miss the portholes, they were an important part of the atmosphere for me in the original.