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A member registered Jul 02, 2024

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Millions dead, woman be too larg.

Solid gameplay loop, great music, and mayhem galore. i genuinely hope you keep adding to this game, potentially in both environments and kink content. It's a real gem and I've enjoyed my time with it.

If i had to pick though, i hope more body expansion content is added, because I'm completely biased in the sense that "too big" is nonexistent to me, and the bigger she gets, the more it stimulates my stupid ape brain. 

My only nitpick is that maxing everything was a real grind, but I'm also aware that this is completely optional.

All in all, total banger, and i wish i discovered it sooner.

Been playing since 1.004 (i think), and so far this is an excellently designed game that has tons of replay value that has had a lot of love put into it. Easy to pick up and play. So far ive gotten every achievement save for the stage 50 one.

i do have suggestions though.

-Powerup cakes' frequency should be generally increased.

-Life protection should probably be given to a separate powerup. Being Berried feels like it wants me to be aggressive due to the instantaneous access to max weight projectiles for short period, but during stage 20++ that becomes increasingly hard to do due to not only losing it as quick as i got it (making the x1.5 score meaningless), but just how scarce blueberry cakes seem to be - and thats not even counting ones missed because of the immense volley between me and the falling cake piece, which i cant get because im focused on keeping said volley off of me and thusly being ushered to conserve GP instead of chasing it. Being unable to eat while berried is just fuel on the fire.

So, i have two propositions:

While in the Berried state, the player would lose a life when struck by a projectile, but parries last a bit longer than normal, and projectiles deflected damage cakes and bosses should they connect. The player reverts to normal one using their last parry.

or if you wish for it to be more focused on defense and survival, The player has Life protection and reverts to normal on being struck, but does not acquire Near Immobile's projectile count, and instead temporarily gains +1 to their current size, can still eat and acquire Kcal, but not grow until un-Berried. However, excess cake eaten quickly charges GP and, when full, can be charged into a gaseous belch that spouts a handful of small bubbles that block projectiles, with the resounding burp pushing back cakes into horizontal lines if they are stacked vertically with no lower neighbor, giving the player some reaction time for the next volleys in higher stages.

Definitely a game worth playing and keeping an eye on, i hope this game continues going strong.

(2 edits)

Been following this game off and on for however long, and I've finally decided to share some feedback.

First off, lovely sprite work. You've absolutely busted your ass with making animations this smooth, the running animation particular feels like that took ages to get right. Secondly, the sound design is also great, where'd you get the gurgles and sloshes from? They're so clean its *unreal.*

Now then,  here's my two cents on the entire thing so far:
- despite the numerous ways the player can defeat and devour enemies, by far the easiest and most effective is quite literally running up or falling on their position and press X/Ctrl, and therefore kind of invalidates the need for the taser pistol in that regard because they simply cant react, and often are sparse enough in number for it to consistently work without penalty.
- compounding on this, the damage received from enemies isn't threatening in the slightest when you *do* end up getting caught, and smacked a few times or eaten.
-as much as like to throw my weight around (her's, rather) and use the Wrecking Ball and Ground Slam mods, I've never encountered a situation where they particularly shone at all due to the lack of grouped or clustered enemies, very specific input condition (mostly Wrecking Ball's), and their inability to damage Mech enemies.

Past these, i don't have any other nitpicks.

i do have a few suggestions though, and feel free to take or leave them.
-  different color palette options unlockable at the Upgrade Station ( im biased towards the old orange and red suit, i really like it)
- if weight gain is being implemented at some point, perhaps a larger body size would allow higher prey capacity from a stretched stomach? (because i just like them huge like that)
- the Wrecking Ball attack being changed a fully on belly tackle that is preformed by sprinting, then pressing Z - distance and damage depending on prey amount carried. has notable stamina consumption as well as end lag as she regains her stance.
- longer, more dramatic, (likely much louder) burps the fuller the gas meter gets as well as prey count - that would likewise also drain the gas meter in that same proportion.
- footsteps with sound that reflected current weight perhaps?
- some risk/reward of extra DNA on completely digesting on a full stomach
- an unlockable passive ability to eat 1 prey past maximum at the cost of a visually and audibly strained stomach - gas rate being double, much slower movement and the inability to jump, and the chance of victims struggling being significantly increased as well.

That's all i can think of for now, its a great game and i hope it gets finished. Definitely has promise, and i wish you luck. And good sleep and motivation. *Lots of those.*