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A member registered Dec 14, 2015

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Fyi this can't be downloaded if you have slow internet. The file size is too big to get before itch "times out" the download.

It seems there's no preview on the link.
"Unfortunately, Malevolent Melodies: Dark Ambience Beats is no longer available.

This package has been deprecated from the Asset Store."

That explains it lol

(1 edit)

Is there any chance this could be made to work with the client?

The client says "No compatible downloads were found."

I'd like to play this but I'm on Linux (Steam Deck) and using the client is by far the easiest way to run itch games on Linux. Most games just run even though it's Linux, without having to do tricky set up for each game.

(2 edits)

On browser I've pressed every key on the keyboard, including arrows, numpad, home-end-del area, everything.

The character stands still and does nothing. The only keys I've seen do anything are P pausing, and some F(number) keys at the top saving screenshots or toggling a crt filter. It doesn't respond to a gamepad either. Character refuses to move. 

Downloading the tic, it runs about at 2 fps and character still won't respond to any controls. I don't understand what's going on.

I played for a few minutes on Retroarch Gambette and it crashed.

(3 edits)

How long are levels supposed to be now? I was playing the second level and after 40 minutes the final boss still hadn't shown up. Ended up letting myself die at that point because it seemed like something had to be wrong. Windows version.

One other semi minor but pretty annoying thing. The into screen Haxel/Made in St Louis sound volume isn't affected by turning down the SFX volume. I have that pretty low to make the game volume balanced with other things I play. But the intro is so loud that it has sometimes hurt my ears because it's still at full volume despite SFX being turned low.

I'm seeing an inconsistency that I think might be a bug. It has to do with the timing of the train. 

Usually the train goes through and a while later the announcer speaks. Sometimes the train comes through late enough that the announcer speaks right after. 

Ok, I thought. That must be an anomaly. But when that happens, it's inconsistent what happens when I go back. Sometimes when I go back when the announcer speaks right after the train goes though, it moves me forward a level. Sometimes when I go back after that it resets me to the start.

I don't get it. Is that an anomaly or not? 

If it's not supposed to be an anomaly then it's a bug or oversight that sometimes the announcer speaks right after the train goes through, because that is a very noticeable difference. 

If it is an anomaly, then it's bugged because sometimes it resets you to the first level when you go back even though an anomaly happened.

(1 edit)

Some other thoughts.

1. The balancing isn't quite right in the beginning. What I mean is it feels like most characters aren't ready to take on the second level until they're fully upgraded (except for the bonus 1% upgrades). It really would be more fun to feel like it's not a pointless waste of time trying to go onto another level beyond the first one before a character is fully upgraded.

There's no real reward for trying to take on a level beyond the first one until a character is fully upgraded either. Because with the deck stacked against you so hard past the first level until you're just about fully upgraded, and dying resulting in any time spent on the level practically going to waste (because you earned maybe a handful of soulstones if you didn't succeed), trying to play the second level until then is more an exercise in frustration than anything else.

But it gets boring having to play the first level multiple times with most characters before that character can reasonably move on from the first level. I've played the first level much more often than any other level specifically because of this - because I felt forced to by the level scaling rather than because I wanted to - and that's getting more monotonous with every new character unlocked because then you have to go do that again every time. Unlocking characters isn't exciting anymore. It just means I have to grind the first level yet again.

2. The damage from those obstacle trees in the marsh is excessive. I saw today that running into a tree a single time - just one hit - took an entire half of my health away. Why? Why have them cause so much damage? I did only have armor upgraded once at the time, but still. Half your health in a single hit? Why? Bosses don't even do that much damage. And this is only the second level.

There are also so many trees around sometimes that it's kind of ridiculous. I have had times where I have been lost with tons of damaging trees all around me and it's taken several minutes to find my way out of them to somewhere there was at least some reasonable area available to dodge.

The amount of damage caused, and the amount of damaging trees in some places, really does not seem in like with difficulty for a second level.

(4 edits)

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by it created separate folders. A split zip wouldn't be a single file.

For an example of what I mean by split zip, this game uses it for the downloads: AI Roguelite 2D by maxlohmusic

Edit: after testing, that game won't install through the itch client so I guess that wouldn't work anyway. Not unless itch updates their client to work with split zip files. But that's unlikely. They haven't updated their client in years as far as I know.

(2 edits)

I'm guessing this is external download because the size is too big for

You can make split zip files to keep file size under a certain size. I think split zip files would work with the itch client too (it can't extract rar).

It would be nice to be able to run it through the itch client because you can automatically see when there's an update if you have a game installed. Plus that would make it easier to run on a Steam Deck (most games on itch that can be run through the itch client will work on a Steam Deck).

(2 edits)

I can't get past the level because of it so that's great to hear.

The chests being unreachable problem I mentioned is caused by knockback I think. The light aura for example, combined with the relic with 500% knockback, really knocks everything back so far. And I've seen defeated enemies/chests continue sliding into unwalkable tiles. 

So the real problem might be that defeated enemies/chests can slide into unreachable areas and come to rest there, instead of continuing to slide until they're somewhere that can be walked on. Or if they were to bounce off of unwalkable areas instead of sliding into them that could work too.

(3 edits)

I just figured something out. I haven't been using the Deck on the go lately so I'm always in desktop mode.

I tried switching to to game mode (it's a more game console like mode if you aren't familiar with Deck terminology) and running Revamped that way. And the Logitech controller worked. After switching back to desktop mode to double check, controller won't work again.

That is strange. All other games I've been running through the itch client have been controlling the same whether in game mode or desktop mode. It's odd that in Revamped controllers won't work properly in desktop mode when they do in game mode.

Unfortunately it's also pretty inconvenient, because game mode doesn't let you have a browser or Discord open in the background. Or anything else really. If you aren't using the Deck on the go then being forced to use game mode for something is a real drawback.

The only other time I've seen a difference in a game between desktop vs game mode is there's two games I have (Steam games, not itch ones) that for some reason won't launch in desktop mode even though they run fine in game mode.

Anyway, long story short: If someone's going to help test I can give some details that will help replicate everything. 

I'm running Revamped through the client in Desktop mode. I'm launching the itch client using Lutris (through a shortcut in Steam created by Lutris). I remember that the itch client wasn't running on Steam Deck until I started running it through Lutris. And of course controllers aren't working right in desktop mode, whether external or the Deck's own controls.

That should replicate everything.

One thing I noticed while testing in game mode is that the default Revamped control scheme doesn't let you change the sensitivity of looking around. Pressing the pencil icon to edit either of the two default control schemes does nothing, so there's no way to change it.

That can be gotten around by making a new control scheme set to fps and adjusting the analog look sensitivity there. But having to to make a new control scheme to do that is a bit silly.

This got really long so I'm posting it as it's own comment.

I saw mentioned elsewhere that the game hasn't had too many sales. That's real unfortunate. It's clear a lot of work has been put into this. I think this might be about the fourth best Survivors like I've played. If that sounds low, understand how much of a compliment that is. Out of all of them I've played, I only consider three other ones, and this game, to be fun enough to be something to really keep coming back to.

I can think of a couple things that might have been a factor for this game not finding it's audience. It probably wouldn't help anymore with this one but might for future games. I don't say any of this to be harsh. I hope this can at least be somewhat helpful.

Obviously there's a lot of Survivor like competition which is a major factor for all games in the genre, so I won't go any farther into that.

In particular, I think the art style combined with the pretty generic name (I don't mean to be offensive, but does feel generic) didn't help it any. Honestly, I could imagine some people seeing that and thinking it was some port of a low effort mobile game. 

I understand that the same artist as Vampire Survivors was used iirc, but the thing is no one ever said Vampire Survivors looked impressive. If Vampire Survivors wasn't the originator of the popularity of the genre, and was just another game in the crowd that came later, I do wonder if it's art style would have hurt it.

Back to the name, I think the problem is that it doesn't say enough about the game. Sure, it says that there's combat. But there's so many games which have combat. That doesn't set it apart from other games, or help to get it noticed.

There's several Survivor games whose names I think have helped them in a way a name like Bring It On could not. so I'll say those as examples. Vampire Survivors indicates a gothic theme, and is a wink at the clear Castlevania inspiration to it. Halls of Torment implies high difficulty (which it lives up to), and is an indicator of the hellish feel to it's look, and even it's music. Holocure is an outlier because it's based on an existing IP Hololive, so it benefits from that a lot automatically. But "curing" enemies is the lore for the game so cure being in the name itself adds to it's identity. And 20 Minutes Till Dawn is set at night, with 20 minute levels, so it's name is not only concrete and memorable but also describes the game well. Brotato isn't a game I'd be interested in playing at all myself, but the name shows a non-serious, and likely humorous tone.

All those names tell something about the game even if you've never heard of the game before and don't know anything about it. All of those names are unique, something that not just any game could have.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said about "Bring It On!" Once again, I'm not saying any of this to be mean. But Bring It On just doesn't communicate any real kind of identity. There's some attitude because of the way it's confrontational, but that's it. It's doesn't say anything about how the game might be themed or where it might be set. It doesn't say anything about tone or difficulty. It doesn't say what about the game stands out, why someone should play it, or put a memorable idea in someone's head. It doesn't draw someone's attention.

There's a whole lot more factors for a game than just a name, of course. But a really good name can really help. And a forgettable name, or one that doesn't say much about a game, can have problems drawing any attention at all. Since I found out that Bring It On hasn't sold well it's something that's been on my mind.

Ironically, now that Bring It On is almost done, the corruption that came in so late would have been a great thing to indicate in the name from the beginning (if it had been planned back then). That's a core part of the game's identity now, after all. And it sets it apart from other games.

Something like Scourge of Corruption for example, even though it's still kind of generic, could make someone curious to know more and check a game out in a way Bring It On just could not. At least there's a little bit of mystery (What scourge? What corruption?). Plus something like Scourge of Corruption is so much more likely to stick in someone's head and be remembered.

Honestly, after thinking about this and saying all this, I'm starting to wonder if giving the game a rename when it gets to the final version might actually help some. If sales are as unfortunately low as the impression I've gotten, I don't see how it could hurt. Except for having to redo the logo. Anyway, I'd suggest asking for opinions on this.

(1 edit)

The fun is back!

In hindsight the fact that the corruption was full strength even on the first level, with completely un-upgraded characters, was what made it so repellent. The way it's strong only on later levels now works so much better because by then you have characters upgraded that can deal with it.

There's not much to dislike anymore. It's great how the game is shaping up. I did see it mentioned elsewhere that development is winding down and there probably won't be many more updates. I have a few suggestions for things that could hopefully still be improved at some point.

1. If there's only one thing out of these that gets added, please, please do this one. The character selection is frustratingly clunky and slow still on a controller. Having to move left/right and then confirm, to go through each character one by one, is just far too cumbersome. The fact you have to scroll through all the characters again after beating a level if you want to use the same character again is especially frustrating.

Being able to hide locked characters would sort of help, but there's a much better way. Please, put in an extra screen where you see all the character portraits and can just choose from any character on the same screen. After choosing the character there, then you could see the character specific screen where you can upgrade. That would be so much quicker and convenient. Plus, there could maybe even be a random button to choose a random unlocked character to play as.

2. The level selection screen moves backwards. What I mean is, pressing right on the controller moves the level selected to the left, and pressing left moves the level selected to the right. I don't know how that got reversed but it's very confusing and causes me to select the wrong level sometimes.

3. When a relic shows up in a chest, there's no delay at all. If you were tapping a button when you opened a chest with a relic, it gets instantly selected. If you're very used to confirming the chest automatically because usually there's no choice, same thing. I've opened chests and instantly taken a relic without even seeing what it was multiple times. Some kind of delay or extra input (like maybe having to press left/right to select take or leave, instead of having take automatically selected) in the rare case that there's a choice to be made would help.

4. Some kind of indicator to know that you've unlocked all characters in a level would help.

I started from a fresh save so I have four levels unlocked right now. Playing the fourth level for the first time, I saw a red arrow and followed it to a character I then unlocked (fire). A minute or less later another character showed up which I also unlocked (axe). I don't know if one was tied to the other or I just got kind of lucky. But I had been assuming that there was one character to unlock per level (even though I haven't seen any in the second or third levels yet).

Now I have no idea how many characters there are to unlock in each level, or how to tell if you've gotten them all. Even if it's something that has to be unlocked (maybe after beating a level a few times, or with a few characters?) it would really help to have an indicator on the level select screen to let you know if you've gotten all characters in a level.

5. Chests can spawn where you can't get to. My first time in the fourth level I saw not just one, but three chests stuck inside unwalkable squares. They couldn't be reached so they couldn't be opened.

I took screenshots. I could upload them somewhere if you think that would help.

Maybe there could be a check to see if a chest is on a walkable tile when spawned, and if not the chest could slide toward a walkable space until it was completely on a walkable tile.

Btw it's excellent the way chests now remove corruption around them. Exactly what was needed.


I was playing the fifth level and was pretty close to the end when there was a "null" error and the game closed.


filename: BringItOn

package: com.example.myapp

version: 0.14.15

sess. ID: bio-v0.14.15-65c6e1b4-1113-4e25-8d88-692ee217c073-2024-03-11_08'22'33

started: 2024-03-11 08:22:33


crashed: 2024-03-11 16:24:02

duration: 08:01:29

error: Null Object Reference


substates.ChestOpenSubState.openChest (substates/ChestOpenSubState.hx line 337)

substates.ChestOpenSubState.start (substates/ChestOpenSubState.hx line 101)

flixel.tweens.FlxTween.finish (flixel/tweens/FlxTween.hx line 707)

flixel.tweens.FlxTweenManager.update (flixel/tweens/FlxTween.hx line 1276)

flixel.FlxGame.update (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 747)

flixel.FlxGame.step (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 679)

flixel.FlxGame.onEnterFrame (flixel/FlxGame.hx line 552) (openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx line 402)

openfl.display.DisplayObject.__dispatch (openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx line 1399)

(1 edit)

I have only a Steam Deck so I wanted to test on someone else's pc before responding. The Logitech controller worked perfectly on their Windows 10 laptop. I wasn't running through the itch client there but I doubt that made a difference.

On the Deck, if I launch Revamped without the external controller attached, the Deck's built in controls are still behaving wrongly the same as the external controller does. It's like that regardless of whether the Deck is docked when Revamped is launched or whether the Deck is not connected to anything else.

I can't use a controller. I swear when I played this some months ago I did it with a controller but now it doesn't work.

After starting a dream (which does work with controller) using revamped scheme, the right analog moves the camera crazy fast. Dpad and left analog aren't doing anything. No buttons but pause are doing anything. Can't navigate menu or choose menu options with controller when in a dream either. Can only pause and unpause.

Changing to classic scheme, it's the same as revamped. Except now the right analog does nothing too.

Making a new control scheme shows that dpad/analog and buttons should be bound. But making a new scheme and using it (haven't tried changing from defaults because it shows controls are already bound to controller) acts the same as classic scheme, where nothing works but pausing and unpausing.

Menus and controls do work with keyboard (and mouse with revamped scheme) at all times. But I want to use a controller because keyboard just not feel right to me for this.

In case it's useful information, I'm playing through the client.

I'm on a Steam Deck, playing docked with an external controller. Because I'm using the itch client (which is Windows only) that does mean I'm using the Windows version of Revamped. I've found using the itch client to be the most convenient way to run itch games on a Steam Deck in general, especially because you always know when a game was updated.

Anyway, my controller is a Logitech F310, which is basically the same as an xbox controller as far as game input is concerned. The Steam Deck's built in controller itself behaves the same way as the Logitech. So it doesn't seem to have anything to do with a specific controller not working right, but controllers in general.

Like I said before, I swear when I played this some months ago I was using the Logitech. It feels so wrong to me trying to play this with mouse and keyboard that there's no way I was playing that way before. I don't understand why the controller wouldn't be working in dreams now when it was working months ago.

Will there be a way to turn corruption off?

I keep checking back in on this game after some months to see if the "you have to slowly grind from scratch for each character" mechanic has been toned down (it makes the game, which is otherwise fun, get old fast for me. I just don't find starting over from scratch for each character, combined with such a slow grind for each character, fun or engaging.).

This time when I checked on the game I was shocked to find that the fun was gone, and had been almost entirely replaced with frustration.

The corruption mechanic sounds like it could be somewhat interesting on paper. But boy is it not in reality.

Basically, the end result of corruption is that you can't ever go back to where you were before. But that's terribly at odds with how a survivor clone, and even this game itself, works.

A don't like having to say this to someone who's worked so hard on this game, but there are so many things wrong with corruption and I don't understand what value it's supposed to be adding to Bring It On.

1. Corruption builds up SO FAST. If you're swarmed or have several enemies next to you, which of course happens often in a game like this, one attack can go from no corruption next to you to a 3x3 block of corruption right next to you, or even larger. And if you were positioned unlucky, you will be half over one of the newly corrupt tiles that instantly appear and immediately take damage with no time to even react. This happens often. It has killed me too, and feels like an absolutely stupid way to die.

Melee plays so badly now because of this mechanic.

2. Corruption never goes away. What's the problem with this? In a game where experience falls on the ground, and has to be collected, I don't really know of any way that's not gonna cause a big problem.

As the round goes on, there's an every growing pile of experience scattered all over that can't be collected because of corruption. I just keeps increasing how much experience you can't collect, through the entire round. That's not fun or interesting. It just feels bad and frustrating. And likely leaves you under leveled.

Ranged suffers from that just as much as melee, especially with how enemies (and the dropped experience) can get knocked backward from the force of the killing blow and land in corruption. 

And then there's chests. Having to stand still a moment to open a chest used to be an interesting mechanic that added some spice without being frustrating or obnoxious. You just had to time it well. Now it's often frustrating and obnoxious. If you couldn't get it open in time, once a chest gets covered in corruption might as well not exist.

Add on top of that--combined with how you can go from no corruption to instantly a several tile wide pool of corruption from one attack--you can have chests get spawned inside a corruption pool that didn't exist a moment ago, literally never having a chance from the moment it was spawned to ever try to open it.

All of this stuff just frustrates and repels. I can't honestly say I find it fun to play the game now. Corruption just gets in the way of the fun every single time.

I'm confused what the point of corruption is supposed to be? If it's to make the player move around, there's already stuff that drops health potions, and stuff like hidden characters. If it's to add excitement or fun, it's very much adding frustration instead and not fun.

Once again, I'm sorry to have to be so blunt about this. I can't think of a better way of saying it. While it might have been an interesting idea for an experiment, I honestly don't see how corruption is anything but an ill-fitting mechanic for this game.

(2 edits)

The save spritesheet button does nothing. I don't understand why.

Being able to scroll the sprites would also help.

I finally had time to check this again. It's working now.

Thanks for fixing it and for making this game :)

Strangely the zip version isn't showing up in the itch app. Only the rar is.

I figured I'd give it a few days to see if it just needed a while to show up, but it's still not there. I don't understand why the itch app is refusing to show anything besides the rar. Doesn't make any sense.

This won't install in the itch app. It gives an error  about "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined"

On Steamdeck (which is the only pc I have) the only way I know to run games is through the itch app, which means I can't play it.

This won't install in the itch app. It gives an error  about "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined"

On Steamdeck (which is the only pc I have) the only way I know to run games is through the itch app, which means I can't play it.

This won't install in the itch app. It gives an error  about "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined"

On Steamdeck (which is the only pc I have) the only way I know to run games is through the itch app, which means I can't play it.

Will there be a download for this by any chance? The itch app has an install option but trying to run it through that just gives an error.

I'd like to play but it's stuttering in the browser. It's also *very* loud and even after installing two volume extensions (which didn't work with the game) I can't find a way to turn the volume down without muting the tab entirely.

Any chance this could have a zip version?
Rar may be easy to open on Windows, but on Steamdeck/Linux the app (which is the easiest way to run itch games on a Steamdeck) can't extract rar. That means it can't be run.

It does work now on Steam Deck. Yeah I didn't know it was only one level but it was an interesting concept so I'm glad I played it.

Also I had a funny moment where the priest started running away from monsters as I retreated, and to my surprise when he caught up to me he healed me. I didn't see that coming.

(1 edit)

Yep! It was the save version being old that was the cause. After renaming the save folders, the current build launches.

Version 39 from itch says v0.10.3 in the corner. Strangely, the game recreates both folders (although "Axol Studio, LLC" is empty). 

But looking at my progress it wouldn't be worth the effort trying to figure out what went wrong with the save.

I did encounter a different problem with the latest version while playing my first game from a fresh save. After I got stoneskin from a chest , the game turned solid green and closed. My progress wasn't saved. It says I have 0 soulstones after loading the game.

I would suggest saving your updated soulstones whenever you pick some up (or anything else important), to avoid lost progress in case of a crash.

Am I remembering wrong that you used to be able to aim manually where your weapon would attack by using the second analog stick?

Maybe I am. I would suggest having manual aim as an option. After playing some other survior-likes which have that option it's hard to go back to one without it.

Edit: I got another bug after picking up an item which increased xp or loot (I don't remember which) by 100% and reduced pickup range.

I noticed after that enemies stopped dropping xp entirely. There were literally no more xp drops showing up at all for several minutes. I didn't have any upgrades which increase pickup range. I don't know if that was a factor.

In the end all I could do is let myself be killed because it was impossible to level up.

I don't know where to find crash logs if there are any.

Uninstalling the latest build and reinstalling still has the same result (window tries to pop up for a split second and then it's gone and the game is no longer running).

The demo also behaves the exact same way.

After reinstalling build 39 and running it again, I can see I have borderless selected in the options. I don't know if that could be a factor but I don't really have any ideas what could be the cause.

All I can say for sure is that some change between 39 and 40 must be causing it.

I did notice there's two save folders for Bring It On in AppData\Roaming:

Axol Studio, LLC\BringItOn - with 2 files: axol-bringiton.sol (1.4kb) and flixel.sol (126 bytes)

Axol-Studio, LLC - with 3 files: axol-bringiton.sol (1.4kb), BringItOn.sol (126 bytes) and flixel.sol (126 bytes)

I doubt that has anything to do with the problem but it seemed strange there were two save folders for the game.

(2 edits)

I hadn't played this in a while. I saw it was updated so I decided to check it out again. But hitting Launch in the itch client, the game doesn't launch at all. It tries to pop up a window that closes right away and that's it.

I'm on a Steam Deck so playing itch games through the client is the only reliable way I've found to use itch games. Bring It On was working in the itch client on Steam Deck last time I tried to play it (probably a couple updates ago). I don't know what happened between then and now that's making it not launch through the itch client.

Edit: I tried switching to the previous build (39) and that launches with no problem, but I don't want to be stuck on an old version. Apparently there's something about the latest build specifically that's causing an instacrash. Hope that helps to figure it out.

When trying to install through the itch client I get an error "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" and can't install it.

That makes this impossible to play on a Steam Deck, because installing through the itch client is the only practical way I've found to play itch games on a Steam Deck.

Is there any chance that installing though the itch client could be fixed?

When trying to install through the itch client I get an error "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" and can't install it.

That makes this impossible to play on a Steam Deck, because installing through the itch client is the only practical way I've found to play itch games on a Steam Deck.

Is there any chance that installing though the itch client could be fixed?

When trying to install through the itch client I get an error "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" and can't install it.

That makes this impossible to play on a Steam Deck, because installing through the itch client is the only practical way I've found to play itch games on a Steam Deck.

Is there any chance that installing though the itch client could be fixed?

Could there please be a zip version? If there was a zip version the launcher could install it, and it could be played that way on a Steam Deck.

The way it's packaged now I can't play it.

Could there be a zip version added? On Steamdeck this game could be run through's launcher. but when you run the game through Itch's launcher, the installer is what runs every time, not the installed game. I could only run the game one time and that's it, and only because the installer asked if I wanted to launch the game at the end of installing.

Games that have a zip option do not have this problem. They run correctly through the launcher. Only games which have no option but an installer run into this problem where they don't run when you try to play them, because the Itch launcher starts the installer every time instead of running the game.

One other suggestion. Please have a button on the select scroll/weapon screen to exit without taking an item. I know that escape exits the screen, but I have died multiple times from using escape to leave because I didn't get my fingers back onto wasd quick enough. There needs to be a way to exit that screen without taking your fingers away from wasd if you don't want to take any of the items offered.

(1 edit)

I died the first time I played because I had no idea my health was so low. If there could be a health indicator bar right above or below the player that would be very helpful, especially on a Steam Deck where your face is so close to the screen. I also don't see any indicator of when your armor is recharged so I don't have any idea when it would be safe to take a hit or not.

I understand this is early access, but is there really no win condition? I know my way around a Survivor-like so the second time I played I was a lot more cautious about my health early on and prioritized upgrades a lot smarter. I was surprised that it took more than 45 minutes to max all the upgrades. That's really long for a single Survivor-like session. I was even more surprised when the clock got past 59:59 and rolled back down to zero. That's when I realized there was no end. Which was disappointing even if it's in early access.

I know from other Survivor games that if you don't win or die your progress doesn't get saved, so I assumed that's true here too and killed myself. The end game screen said mini-boss and boss were killed, level completed "No". But then looking at the achievements it said level 1 was completed, so I'm confused.

I also didn't get any unlocks that I can see, so what do you have to do to unlock a character? I played over an hour straight in that level and was getting the same wave of enemies endlessly for quite a while. I don't think I even saw another new enemy type after the big red knight died. It's very unexpected that wouldn't unlock anything.

Speaking of that red knight, it looked like he dropped something when he died but I don't know if I picked it up or not. Immediately when he died I got a level up. After I chose what to upgrade, whatever the knight dropped disappeared so I don't know if I got it or not. What was that supposed to be? Oh yeah, what are the maps that drop sometimes supposed to do? That and exactly what Luck does are the two other things that are unclear.

Sorry for asking so many questions. I do understand it's in early access, and I will say it's already more fun than some other Survivor-likes I've played.

Having  this available for Windows would make it useable for a lot more people.

I can't see how it works because it isn't on Windows but if there's not a way to have bird's eye view in a column on the side while you can view the text normally too, that would definitely be useful to add.

On my internet this takes 10 hours to download. It keeps failing before the download completes, and the download can't be resumed. I don't think there's any chance I successfully get this before the free time is up. Is there any way to get this where the download can be resumed?