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Zeke Polaris

A member registered Jan 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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You should try editing the images so it has a troll face on the fish. LOL

Thanks, are you one of the admins of the channel or are you just visiting?

Yes, I had to get a new channel started because Google messed up my first channel.

I made all my projects using what we call, language of the gods. Because we don't know what it is. It just happens.

But I am glad that other people are testing my projects. Once I find out how to make it use less processing power I will release an update for this. And that is one reason why I made it use images and not pixels so users like your self can give it a new look.

Also, I like payday 2!!!!

Check the comments before asking that.... common sense to read.

It does say windows.

Wait what? How?

Also it's more than a dollar. 

Demos are good for making sure something works. I don't want to buy something that I can't play....

Can you make a free demo?

This does not answer my question!!!

What means, Detalhes?

Why not just post the  video URL instead?

Google has a tool to do this too? O_O WHERE IS THIS!!!!??? Please.

I once did all of this just using one programming tool that doesn't even take much space at all. Didn't uploaded my work too itch since this was before I knew about this site. Too bad I didn't know about this website back then!!!

This one might not be a good game maker, but people used it to make, types of games..... I guess. But, Alice 3?

(1 edit)

Why are these not clickable?

  • Flash/Adobe Animate
  • Photoshop

You can try Animation Desk?

I mean for free..... LOL It looks like a fun game to play. But I got no money to pay for it right now..... I be happy with a demo version of it.

I want to play but I can't. :(

Downloaded for me.... Did you click on download?

Sorry I do not use bitcoins. And that is new to me, I never had this issue. Once I press Esc key they all go away and even should exit in TaskManager.... And that is because it is only using the image that came with it. Still weird how it did this to you and not to me or any of my friends. Weird.

Someone did made multiplayer mod for it though. Works kinda well....

Even the DEMP files don't save onto the next time we play.... When is the next update?