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Zero Lynnfield

A member registered Mar 10, 2022

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If I remember there should be some bullets you can buy at the city as well as babilli

Ya but em from shops simple, sometimes you get bullets from different events as well

(1 edit)

After getting the Hypno slave trait is there a way to pass through it? Since it pretty much auto fails.

(Edit: Nevermind I just needed a high enough arousal)

Have a charisma of 6 when starting a character and your first charisma item will be Charlotte's necklace if you befriend her the two other items will be in greyfold with first being the camera lady when you threaten her and second is when you take up a job at red lights and when all of them are equipped you have at least 10 charisma

Yeah having a quest like that kinda works with how mysterious the wastes really are if at one point you could revive her or at least wake her up, then it's up to the player on what they do with this "goddess" even though she is most likely part of an experiment pre-war

You can by a weapon for robin but that's scripted but it's not implemented yet this game is still in early stages

You can find hI'm again in babili in the office and if you want to go exploring the crater you need a gasmask equipment and a glow pill

Np we help fellow cultural people when needed

To answer your question no theres no penalty when doing the death arena the death arena is where you can free your parents which is one of the options with no risk and just fighting 2 easter bbeast to free them of course you lose the 100 powder you get so you can free your parents but the death arena is where you get the best weapon (currently) in the game which is patrica that deals nearly a 100 dng per shot but your gonna need a good weapon and alot of healing to beat the enemy's since each one you take down you get closer to the champion and once you beat the champion you get a crown as a reward and a good perk (wont spoil what both does) so yeah no penalties for participating.

Eh its usless you just get to use the computer with out help from one of the factions.

Since we got raids as slavers what about raid defence? 

That would make sense if your against slavery, fighting multiple slavers at once and maybe even fighting dereck or other special slavers sounds fun.

And maybe add perks that have positives and drawbacks to make things more interesting like

Perk:Brawler:"Due to fighting alot in the tower you know a thing or two about beating the shit out of someone.".               + 10 dmg with unarmed and unarmed weapons -10 dmg for ranged weapons 

Instead of getting one perk at the beginning how about 2?

One will be a status perk like the perks we have right now and the second will be a combat perk this would spice up combat abit since it would let us explore different combos and how we take out our enemy

Bro am not gonna down that route usually having to get on with a mad doctor is gonna be weird

What are gonna do with 12 intel?

thanks man i appreciate it.

I have a problem it looks like every time i press the survey button the game crashes basically soft locking me into continuing the game pls fix

If you talked to her during your first mission with her (when getting payment from a hunter) dont NOT talk to her in any way and just go quietly or there must be something wrong

You need to kill her father to romance eerie and you can make peace with both factions by doing all of their missions the dillan part of both missions dont matter if you favor the faction you like more the other faction will just reduce the amount of powder you get then after getting both missle missions go to red lights and meet the owner (i forgot her name) which was rusty's daughter and langs ex girlfriend you need 10 charisma to convince her to make peace with the factions

Join rusty's gang when you get to grey then do your second mission then a wendigo appears you need to surrender to it with the normal amount of charisma or more then it happens

When you decide to get a 11 intel build just to hack the terminal there will be nothing other than the missile launch system that you get anyway if you do the quest for the walkers and get the drive too automatically hack into the computer hacking it yourself will do nothing you will also lose charlotte as a companion if you sit the defense out since people died instead of getting injured.

The furrys are gonna love that fursuit

I Really wanna do a mission with Kay - T since her only use all least I think so is, getting the undaunted perk as well knowing her story it would be nice to have one or 2 missions that's related to her past as well as a unique gauntlet that can make unarmed combat even more useful and maybe she can give us a clue on how to upgrade Charlotte's sledge hammer to a even cooler and more dangerous version of it, and now that I think about it I wonder if you can add modifications for combat as for you as well as your companions

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Its there a way to save bediveres? Cuz everytime I give him the book he dies do I need to do a skill check?

Edit: I just found out how to save him you need to interact with the book and make a new ending

I did say that Derek's pistol isn't the most op it's the duelist you can find it in the end that's the weapon your talking about 

wait what man I didn't know about that, I finished the game a few times now and I didn't know about that, welp I guess it's time to go person hunting again.

So far there isn't any way to make peace with both factions you just have to choose on who to use the missiles for but I do wish on having a peace treaty with both factions.

You can get both armor pieces from the wasteland knight (I forgot his name) he will visit no gas in the afternoon and there you can buy weapons from him also the guide is Abit wrong you should buy a melee weapon from the knight but don't sell the pipe pistol just use it when your fighting the 3 wolf's until it runs out of ammo melee is a good option for early game but will get out classed very quickly also there is unique melee weapon but thats for later as well and you should pack at least 8 canned food when your going to fight the wolf's and 15 or 20 for Derek the cost of the armor is 130 all together  for both pieces for stats it's what you want to do with them you can make any class as long as you have the powder

Also if you want another guide for another items or something like that you can reply.

Random encounters you need to travel to babili to have a chance of activating it when you inspect the body he jumps you and ask if your a slaver or not if you say no he'll let you go and says that's he's from greyfold and that you might meet him again.

Heres a tip to getting the best dmg weapon very early in the game called Derek's pistol, it's a unique pistol that can be obtained by ddefeating derek in the no gas slaver event here are the items you need to fight derek and win. 

15 canned tuna

Scrap helmet and armor

And your dog companion

The dog is optional but it's better if you do it because the dmg is worth it, to beat derek you need to equip both armor when you buy them it's gonna take some p*say licking or if your brave enough, get fucked for 10 grams or 5 grams for a bj and a cunn you can find the dog in the forest it's best if you had the armor by now since your fighting 3 wolfs instead of 1 since their hp is 3 times larger they also deal more dmg than a regular one, you also don't need to do the no gas slaver event early it's a side quest so prep before you start it when frank asks you to get the weapon crate if you have 7 charisma you can haggle for the original price which was 100 grams but was raised to 200 grams after you get the weapon crate there's no time limit so grind as much as you can but to be safe get 20 canned tuna, once you give frank the guns you need to join the defence if you don't you'll miss out on a companion and a safe house as well as Derek's pistol once the defense starts your instantly going into a fight with Derek no use trying to let him go he's a slaver so he needs to die start the battle and don't use any weapons ever you'll have a better chance of beating him to death than using the crappy guns johnny sells make sure to check your hp after each hit heal 60 or below hp 2 times with the cans keep doing this and you get Derek's pistol it's your choice on what to do with him I just killed him in my playthrough.

After events: after the defence if you joined Frank will say that people were hurt but not killed if you eliminate derek he gives you a reward as well as the safe house I mentioned it has 3 upgrades and you can buy them from your next companion if you do it right.

When you beat derek you grab his pistol and some bullets the dmg for Derek's pistol is 45-50 it's not the highest dmg weapon the Duelist is the highest dmg weapon but that's for later in the game with this pistol you should be able to beat very dangerous enemy's but you still need armor and more healing items if your hoping to survive them.

Np dude am happy to help another cultured gamer

You can't beat him even though you are already in a lv that you can beat normal shadows

You need to distract him I forgot how but you need to get a pot from the house and go to the fishing dock then make noise the shadow will leave and you can go there's also a cutscene once that's done

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What part of the game is it I may answer that since I finished the last patch back then