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Zero Trace Operative

A member registered Aug 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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BioForge community · Created a new topic Screenshots/Video?

Best to have some sort of visual presentation of the game on its page if you want players to engage. It seems vaguely interesting but I'm not downloading, as I've not been given a reason to.

It was yummy, wasn't it?

The dumb part is that they can easily request more keys from steam, but they don't. This shows there is no longer a deep care for this project. All that twitch money is the cause I suppose.

Ayyye! Thanks for coming back to report your fix! I would have never figured that out myself. & WOW thats gotta look crispy, even I havent seen it with that quality lol. I'm curious though. Since the film grain scaling in this game is actually tied to the render resolution, higher res meaning finer grain; I imagine the grain overlay becomes much finer or harder to see at 3840x2160, while the 3D models become clearer?

Hey! Thanks for checking this out, and sorry this is happening. I've dug around and it seems this error has never been reported online, anywhere. Not surprised though as the BPPlayer is an old community-made add-on that packaged blender games to be easily playable and protected. It was years old when the game was made, and barely had documentation to begin with.

Where do you have the game stored? I'll try to replicate the issue by opening the game on my PC from a similar file path. Otherwise, all I can think of is maybe it will work when extracted to a different folder. Something like the standard Documents or Videos folder.

Ah yeah its a funky one sometimes. I appreciate your feedback 🙏

This tells me nothing, can you explain?

I wasn't aware that steam keys can retroactively be provided to players who bought the game before steam keys existed. Are you sure that is possible? Specifically, automatically? If not it makes sense not to want to manually give out a steam key to likely a few thousand people one by one. 

pvp would go HARD

What is he ignoring exactly?

This link should be in the main itch page description!

The change in presentation of this project is unacceptable. I liked the original release, but am now stuck with what (on the surface) looks to be a porn game in my library.

I don't like giving negative comments to game devs, but using lude imagery to get attention for a non-xxx game is always pathetic. Even worse for this game since it did NOT originally feature it.

Change the thumbnail.

Neat first godot project. I respect the attention to detail for a small scope.

Would love to see you try a small 3D game in the same engine. Perhaps a bite sized fps? 🍻

Damn near everything about this game is great, but I cannot stress enough the absolute MAGNIFICANCE of the visual fidelity. Levels of detail unseen even in the biggest AAA titles. And the ending effects? Its crazy to say, but the wind physics blew me away! Never have I seen a video game scene look and feel so alive. It was on par with HUGE budget CGI. Congrats on the launch and achievement of creating this work of art. 

You're the kind of dev I aspire to be.

Is that Bruce Willis on the knife? Lmao

Awe man I really appreciate that! I definitely can't move any further now that Konami is reviving the franchise, but I DID just update the demo with an extended driving intro featuring Cybil! The project is a bit more whole now. I hope you like her cameo!

Thanks and I'm glad you liked it. I wish I could do more but Konamis reviving the franchise now and will definitely shoot this down.

I just updated the demo with an extended driving intro though, it's the last thing I could do for this project. Cybil makes a cameo!

No native VR  support, although I did originally want that. Its just not possible with the engine used. BUT an app called vorpx MIGHT make it playable in vr. It costs around $60 iirc and is definitely worth it for other games. SCORN for example was a fucking masterpiece of an experience with vorpx in VR.

Thank you! I appreciate that (and personally agree lol), sadly I cannot move forward with this game, ESPECIALLY with Konamis actual revival of the Silent Hill IP happening now.  Hopefully townfall has something to do with SH1, probably not though.

BUUUT, I just dropped an update that extends the driving intro. I know it isnt the update you're asking for but it's all I can really do. Cybil makes her cameo!

I'm still going to make an original IP inspired by the game. It won't hold nostalgia power of course, but I aim to make an objectively scarier game.

wow that was really cool

This is exactly what DOOM 3 should have been. Shame on iD from 2004.

THIS shit, is SPICY.

Lmao it's your system bro, not the game. It runs at 720p and is 60fps max. The whole level exists at one time, unlike the PT demos which run better because its just a looping hallway. Thanks for playing though!

Coward? Fuck you man (Lol I kid) this bit took 5 months! It really was a long time making even just this 5 minute playthrough. Redoing the fmv wouldv'e doubled the time, & I wasn't trying to include the actual theme song either. Thanks for Playing though!

Very thorough commentary! Thanks for playing!

Nah he shouldn't, but thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thank you!

Lmao holy shit you broke the game! No one was supposed to be able to get that close to Cheryl, her animation wasn't designed for it lol. Thanks for playing though!

Sorry bro, it's finished. Thanks for playing though!

IDK about hire but maybe they should license it to me and give me a lil budget lol. You're welcome bro, It was a lil something something for all the fans! I too am sad there can't be more!!!

You looked so disappointed lol I'm sorry, thanks for playing though!

Not trying to get my cheeks clapped by Konami thats why, lol.


Thanks Jack! While making this, the biggest thing I had in mind was remaining as accurate as possible. So many "Silent Hill inspired" games around yet NONE of them truly capture the feeling. And that includes Lost in Vivo and Simulacrum. Not to say they aren't great games; they are.  

This was practice , as I eventually do want to make a TRUE SH spiritual successor. I aim to surpass the horrors of SH (whether or not I can actually do that is another story, we'll see what happens). But that will take MUCH time, so it shouldn't be expected any time soon at all. I still have a ways to go before I can technologically pull off the nightmares I muster up in my head.

Aight so boom.

Lol no prob Neco, and I'll be sure to check that game out. Always lookin at other solo devs accomplishments in inspire my own!

Fair enough, I just went FPPOV since PT was going to (and also I personally wanted to be in Harry's shoes) on par sort of with how RE2 went from fixed angles to over the shoulder. In fact, this remakes player mechanics was made out of an over the shoulder player set up I made for my upcoming game (which ironically I started before the SH remake) DEAD ENGINE, a Dead Space mini clone.  So before it was first person it was over the shoulder, "Dead Silent Space Hill" if I may. I was thinking about patching it in, but its kind of broken now.

Yeah it's a, for the lack of a better term, UNIQUE engine.  No asset store, no presets, no templates. One of the few 3D engines where you have to do most things from scratch. AND there are many versions since theres no longer any official support from the Blender Foundation. So now there are the old official( and poorly optimized)  releases, and the newer community modded versions, which I'm using one of and it performs much better (although STILL slower than other engines. I played SNS000 and found it runs on an older version. 

As a NY native whose around millions of people who curse often, I think it's heavily subjective to define someone who curses a lot as a "chad bro" lol, but I see your point. Still, his original personality was a result of bad translation and mediocre acting. Don't get me wrong but I still love it. Yet the book definitely gave him more pizzazz also, inviting me to do so even more. I updated my remake to have only 1 curse now, fitting the modernization I wanted it to have, with WAY less of the edge it didnt need, check it out and let me know if you think its better!

I mean clicky as in click, and a static animation plays lol. Click and drag doors are dope!

Oh BEST BELIEVE I'm going to make a spiritual successor. THAT, is why I've been building my skills up for about 5 years. This remake is a slice of what I'm capable of. I've released stuff before under a different name a few years back that atmospherically blew many indie horrors of out the water, but gameplay wise wasnt very good. So I've been practicing and theres more to come.  Although the two games I'm working on now are still more practice. So that spiritual successor is a long ways off, because I want to make it when I'm actually doing this full time. It will be the true beginning to a fruitful career.

And yes! You're awesome to watch! And the games you choose are interesting most times.

Thanks for the thorough discussion!