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A member registered Apr 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Cool idea! Simple but effective. Liked that the time limit didn't feel too tight, and I had time to figure out how to route through all the levels.

(1 edit)

Unique idea!

Definitely has a bit of a learning curve though, took me a while to truly pick up on what I was supposed to do/ how to progress.

EDIT: Sorry about the initial double post, did delete the other one though.

Fun and cute idea!

Wish the pathfinding was a little better when it came to getting the hero to follow the cat, but otherwise cool concept and great execution and polish.

Well polished and cute idea!

Only two gripes:

  1. Little UI on screen reminding you what your kill goal should be (the hero will tell you if you them with the wrong weapon already though)
  2. Need a reset button, got stuck in some terrain and had to refresh, unfortunately.

Cute little mini-game! Creative concept, my only gripes would be wanting to see how long a wave is supposed to last since you can just start a new one manually after the current one ends.

Neat little game, cute bit with the options menu.

Would definitely like to see more down the line if you get the chance to do more with it eventually.

Not bad for a first effort and I could see more being done with the concept down the line.

AI could be a little smarter though, but to be fair, AI programming can be kind of difficult so I get it.

A creative and wonderful spin on the clicker concept.
Simple, but effective!

Cool twist, I quite like it a lot.

Took a little to get used on keyboard, but very interesting.

A very cool spin on something like Hotline Miami!

My only two complaints:

  1. No reset button - makes it easy to start over when I see that failed the run
  2. No tracker for bodies/messes left - easier to figure out I have left to do on the bigger levels.

Other than those 2 issues, fun game!

Neat idea! Very challenging, between the limited control of your group, how slowly they move, and the visibility of the terrain at times.

Makes for a very tense play session, which I can feel you were going for.

Very interesting concept and looks pretty solid!
My only real point of criticism is the lacking of feedback on player damage and other details, which did make it a little difficult to figure out how to play it.
Other than that, very cool idea and I can see myself playing more as I better understand it.

Very fun little game!

Kinda wish there was leveling system of some kind or at least a way to get health back, but otherwise very neat!

It's a neat tiny game, if a little too simple and unclear.
Not too sure what the dice are supposed to affect, I thought it might affect power but only until after I killed the last(?) dude did I think it was supposed to relate to cost.

I can see a fuller game out of this if you polish up the visuals with some clear health bars, UI pointers, and maybe some audio as well.

Good luck!

Sorry about that, went back and fixed it. Still, thanks for the interest!

(1 edit)

Hey Jasper Ted, thanks for the interest!

Truth be told it kinda got backburner-ed into being forgotten about, but there were some other quality of life changes being worked in as well that we were also working on.

Now that we know there's interest, you've relit our desire to put it out sooner rather than later.

Keep an eye out for when it drops!

I'll give your game a shot as well, so here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-6/rate/1175370

Very simple and straight forward idea, but pretty fun and easy to get into.

Psychic power based platformer, use your abilities to escape to freedom!


(1 edit)

Description: Captured by a shadowy organization you must use your psychic abilities to escape to freedom! Short platformer game that includes some psychic experimentation, includes a playtime feature to see how fast you can beat it.

Engine: Made in Unity!

Link: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-6/rate/1175370

Oh, oh no. 

I'll have to look into that, thanks for letting me know.  You're on windows right? I'll have to check the export settings.

Here's my game, Psych-Escape:


- Will check out yours in a bit.

(1 edit)

Here is my game, Psych -Escape: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-6/rate/1175370

Admittingly it's very straight forward on the chaos scale, but I  hope you enjoy.

Gave me some old school Flash game vibes.

Took a little bit before it clicked with me.

It's a neat concept, but a little rough around the edges. Controls are a little wonky, and the mouse centered on the game screen would have helped a lot in terms of aiming.

It's simple and pretty interesting. 

Screen is bit big though, and  when I died a bunch of enemies spawned around the entire screen and slowed the game down to a crawl.

Cool concept! From the tutorial I expected more a traditional platformer, but a wave based set up is pretty neat. Grappling hook idea is very neat. 

Very cool concept! Really dig the wave approach and ramping up of the insanity. 

(Sorry about the accidental spam , I was rating at the same time as writing the original comment and I didn't know it sent the other attempts despite getting a dialog box about changing pages with unsaved changes)

Pretty short but the concept is neat, definitely very chaotic in a good way.

Could be a little longer though. 

Thank you for playing and appreciate the feedback! Yeah, as mentioned before the game was primarily developed on controller with the mouse and keyboard controls being secondary, also my first full 3D game so there's quite a lot to learn.

Definitely working on tweaking the sensitivity in the next version alongside some other QoL features I wanted to include, but didn't have time for.

Thank you for playing and I appreciate the feedback!

Honestly we kind of wanted to implement some kind of gate color coding system, but time constraints and all.

Definitely down the line for future revision though!

Once again, thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for playing and appreciate the feedback on the controls!

Thank you for playing! Appreciate the feedback, control tweaking is on the list for improvements!

Thanks for the feedback!

Truth be told the game was primarily developed on PS4 pad with the keyboard and mouse controls kind of being develop secondarily. Definitely wanted to include UI controller prompts, but time constraints and all.

There are still some features I wanted to implement in a later version, so the feedback on the controls and enemy design are very appreciated.

Thank you for playing!

Very cool aesthetic had a blast putting it all together!

Only gripe I have is the windows at the bottom not having labels, making it tricky when you have like,  20 of them open at once.

Very cool! Took me a little bit to figure out, but once I got going I was having a blast!

Very nice aesthetic and solid music choice.

Pretty solid! Dig the screen filter and sandstorm. Only issue I had is with the camera if only because it's a little hard to see all the cars coming at you, and maybe the arresting range on the cars a little bit too? Felt like sometimes they were rubbing up against me and it didn't count, but I might be missing something.  Otherwise, pretty good!

I like it, it's pretty good. Really dig the use of music and simple but striking aesthetic. Have some issues with the controls, but very solid.


Rail Shooter X Endless Runner, definitely gonna go back and edit this more after the jam.