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A member registered Mar 14, 2022

Recent community posts

Hope future versions will be Patreon only. The Poppy Playtime kiddies on here are so entitled when half of them don't even know what a winrar even is. They giving the dev of the wrong idea of what is wrong/right about the game. The best thing the dev can do is gatekeep the game ideas to people who actually have wallets to support him. For proof of how many kids are on here watch how heavily downvoted this comment will be. 

Making sure both the game and the dev have a good foundation of how to update the game is important. Layering content on broken content simply doesn't work else games like Maplestory would be the best thing ever lol. Trust me a lot of games fail directly because they try to do such and let the pileup ruin the project as a whole. Fix what is there THEN add else you will also have to fix what you added on top of the old bugs which might just create new issues anyway causing massive double dipping into issues. 

Your post was decent until the last line. Sorry but I just was giving the facts. It feel awful when you report a list of bugs on EVERY minor update just to see that they are still there. I'm sorry I care about quality? The dumbasses on discord are clearly no help as they always miss the most in-your-face bugs in the game, everybody want a free game but no one seem to want to see it be the best that it can be. Unless you are supporting the dev if cash then odds are you are just a fucking leech with no useful feedback. 

Nah, nice counter criticism when you have nothing to say. I feel I have more value to the development than someone with literally nothing to say.

Finally you got around to fixing some things that 6.0 broke. I'm hoping this time you won't wait for a major update to fix minor bugs WHILE also adding minor updates to the game anyway. It make it feel like you give no crap about the quality of the game when you do such. I only ask you keep the game that *is there* working as intended WHILE you adding stuff if you choose to add stuff at all in the first place. Content updates could be rare while bug fixes should be common, not the freaking other way around. Hopefully 7.0 to 8.0 would be less stupid in terms of priorities and I won't need multiple versions to play a single game. I still haven't tested everything though, for all I know you could had just accidently fix one complaint I had but I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. 

You got a few facts wrong. He is Russian furry so no life and if I recall he is still a kid/young adult. He isn't developing the game by himself as he have a few people making models for him for free. Not counting the countless of bug testers though gotta admit they are virtually worthless with how little they report. Lastly he is getting pay from Patreon support so he is now obligated to do so much every so often else he is literally just stealing money from people. He is making almost $6,000 per month. If he have a job then it is likely paying him less than what he is making off of his projects. Don't act like he is some kind of victim when he choose to go this route. Tons of devs would kill for a chance of a game randomly becoming extremely successful and you are acting like it is some kind of curse. He can delete this page at any moment if he wish. I agree people aren't entitled to whine if they aren't supporting him but the supporters ARE in fact entitled to see progress every month.

Any object that can be in your inventory (not simply held) can also be put into the mailbox. So the Omega manual and parts can go in. The ID card, password changer or a hook as well. Likewise if you made the alien statue/ariral plush/kel plush/erie plush versions then in their inactive plush form you can have them in your inventory as if they were never modified. The only normal colored kerfus/color-less kerfus/mannequin can't be put in and you will need to use the manual again for the complete collection. Honestly though you only really need at max like three of them and if you don't care about style points just start a new save file and shove three kel plushes into the mailbox back to back. The period/delete key on the numberpad allow you to teleport directly to base to make it even faster as a hidden keybind. If you were talking about normal kerfus then just go for the upgrade, they may as well be trash in comparison with how often they get stuck.

0/10, keep dying in the tutorial because the dev made one of the rad capsules radioactive with no way to protect yourself. Can't even get pass the first map now.

Also to clarify what I mean by stuff still broken. Bugs I had reported two updates ago still exist. I get the dev want to work on new stuff but is it too much to ask that the old stuff still works as well for the sake of new players? Beside imagine if Joel did decide to get all of the tiles (unlikely but still) just to show this on stream. That would be embarrassing. Pile of trash on top just to prove it is still an issue in the newer updates. Also if you expect players to bug test and debug for you then please make sandbox more user friendly. No freaking clue what the diff is between "fast sig" and the normal add signal is for example. You still need to catch and download it. How exactly is it any faster than before?

I been loving the updates, don't get me wrong but I really wish you went back and fix all of the broken stuff that 6.0 created. It horrible that there is so much more content the but most complete experience version is still pre-6.0. Also don't ever remove power or cleaning, most people who complain likely never got to day 20+, the game is extremely slow and boring unless you play on the hardest setting. The fact you gave players something to do throughout the days as self goals is extremely nice, it just most players are ignorance of what they really want out of a game. Not like they are forced to clean and you can press all three buttons within an ingame hour once you learn the route and only need to do such like once every 3 days at worst even on the easiest (slowest day) setting.

Yea, sadly that is a common issue the game seem to have. The physics should honestly be disabled with the exception of gravity for the first load in. I once found that skull all of the way down in the river. It doesn't help the skeleton is on the side of a hill.

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Autosave modules is only for new signals you take from the download screen. It is saved the moment it transfer over to the playing screen. For any premade signals you found/obtain you will need to manually click the save button yourself (found on the playing station itself). Personally I don't buy that module even at endgame because it reach the point where it become likely you need to start deleting dupe signals before you will get anything new. It might be useful for extremely early game but I argue putting your points into literally anything else is far more useful than clicking a button whenever the glossary updates. I like the control of knowing what exactly is being saved and being able to name them based off of their glossary names as I go. If there was a game setting or something that make it only save what isn't already in the glossary then I would be more down for it but as of now though a lot of the signals look exactly the same despite being different, it take only a few dupes to completely lose track of what you want to keep or not. Personally I only save the level 0 signals and manually upgrade each time if I want to listen to them ingame though with the new glossary menu (found in the pause screen in the stats menu) you can listen to them whenever without even saving them now. I just personally like having them on my save file as well but in theory there is no reason to save them aside for gameplay reasons since the 6.0 update. 

Try it out on _b update. The green box is just straight up broken. A shame too as it was one of the cooler effects you get to see in the game. 

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Green box got broken with this update. Pretty sure I recall it working fine with 6.0, note though I got the update literally as it got uploaded and it seem like there are multiple versions of 0.6.1 floating out there now. This may or may not had been fix or not been broken in the first place already. (the first version broke a lot of stuff along the way and wouldn't be surprise if this just so happen to be one of them in the crossfire) If someone else can check as well with a later version then that would be lovely. 

Yea, it a new event. Check the end of the path at Uniform. 

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Hard to test but Bug 8: I think using the lighter on the paralysis demon will just crash the game with a fatal error. Of course it is hard to see the paralysis demon in the first place. Though with that said I try such during the well event, I can't tell if the lighter is just generally crash prone in that area or I accidently toss the lighter at the demon one time but my first crash in the area seem to be exclusive due to the lighter and maybe not the paralysis demon guy. It was only the 2nd time when I intentionally try using the lighter on the demon did a crash happen right after but the demon may or may not be related to the crash. Also while not a bug I have no freaking clue what you are meant to do in that area or even if there is anything you can do in it. If it meant to act like the 7 skulls event where it softlock you until you get bored then maybe remove the visible ladder on the 2nd hole. It giving me a sense there is a way to escape but I haven't found the correct solution to it yet. Event aside I feel a crash isn't intended so likely a bug. If the crash is intended then you might need to add a new "error" message for it or even better have it act like Gooseworx's death screen. 

Edit: Bug 9: Almost forgot about this one but achievements are a mess for whatever reason. The location based achievements (Hole as an example) only unlock if you haven't save and reload during that run. Oddly enough you can get achievements just by sleeping in your bed. The Hole and White Object achievements were unlocked just by passing the days away in bed. As a dev it would be far easier for you to debug the achievements. If I have the guess the first load of the map and the save/reload version of the map doesn't sync up too well sometimes. Bunker near base where the passcode is 8008 and the eatable drive at the spawn hut doesn't work correctly on the first run of the map but the achievements does. The reload version of the map disable location based achievements and but also cause those two things work correctly. I know it may be a lot of extra worth but for future proofing the game and to make it far easier to test and debug you might want to create a single state of the map even if it just the game automatically loading, saving, reloading on the first load up. It would prevent future oddities. Already seen people getting confused on why 8008 suddenly don't work on the bunker. 

Found new bugs.

Bug 1: Near the green bunker vault door thing there is a hole that will have the player fall out of bounds. A decent size hole too so it is VERY possible to find it by pure accident. It on the south side I believe before the stone bit but standing on the dirt. Just move around there and you can find it easily.

Bug 2: Behind the new power thing near the base is a pile of rocks, one of which is floating. Very minor but also very silly looking. Likewise on the fence area cutting off a chunk of land behind a river there is a log just clipping through, though there always been trees that clip through the fence anyway but surprise you didn't take a look around to see if everything line up well.

Bug 3: You can only sit in a chair once per play session.

Bug 4: Someone already noted this but it seem like the metal detector is picking up on stuff that literally don't exist. It was bad enough you were digging trash before but now you have literal nothing getting in your way. Did you forget to remove the metal detector related thing to those spots or something?

Bug 5: I already report the bug about the tile stuck on the roof of the hut at spawn. I found a way to get it by sitting on a chair that was placed on the roof. Ironically I found a new bug, I have to bring a chair from base to that hut because the chair in that spawn hut does not have a sit option at all whatsoever for some reason. Thanks though for making that cabinet usable, pretty sure it wasn't before the update.

Bug 6: A bug I actually like and kind of hoping you won't fix but out of fairness I'll report it anyway. Pizza are completely immune to roaches. Which is weird as roaches have no issues eating the chinese food, banana, shrimps or anything else with a container, often eating the container with it.

Bug 7: LSD effect permanently screw up the sound of the game even after the effect goes away until you reload. I only use it in sandbox so unsure if it still in testing or what but after the effect it basically make the game unplayable in it current state. If it still testing exclusive then hopefully it will be fixed by the time it become a thing in the normal game.

There are likely other bugs but given the nature of the game it is hard to know when something is working correctly or not without retrying multiple times which take a lot of men hours. Given the update is new they are to be expected though. Bugs 1-4 are pretty bad, enough to report given they shouldn't really exist in the first place. The others can be put on low priority. 

Correction on the Hole one, it is fine. It just been moved slightly but still in the general location. Maybe as a player don't be a dingus and explode the whole area up for laughs like I did. I still feel the dev could move the one closer to site Y to a new location and maybe the one in middle of nowhere (still) between site X and site Y elsewhere while he is at it now that the game have a ton more landmarks and locations to explore in general. The latter always tick me off because even knowing where it is it can still be a pain to find it without a digital map as a casual as it is quite literally in middle of nowhere. But for the sake of clarity for the dev the one on the non-base roof is the only one that is unobtainable. I took a look at it and see if it might be possible to still get it without sandbox but the building is simply too high even if you do drag a table all of the way to it. It honestly just need to be fixed. Nevertheless sorry for not looking at the hole one a bit longer before sending a report. 

Did you always press the button twice? Once only turn it back on, the 2nd is to give it the full cycles. If you only been pressing it once then it would make sense why you can't get anything done. 

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Bug report: The tile key thing for the green box that is located at the hut area outside of the fence near where you spawn is on the roof. Pretty sure that is not intended as literally none of the others had changed and it more likely that by changing the table model it got push upwards to the next acceptable spot. Normally it would be between the table and wall but honestly you could just put it on a window or something as finding your way to the hut is the hardest part in the first place.

Bug aside it is a good update. Finally a way to destroy gas containers (lighter) and dead batteries (microwave). Still upset that Maxwell can be eaten by roaches at all but the roach setting is at least nice even though they can't be disabled outright.

Edit: Oh the one at the hole isn't showing up either. Though I can't tell if you simply moved it elsewhere or deleted it accidently when changing things around. Honestly forgot there was even one there given it is like the only location with two close to each other. Might be for the best if you did decide to move it. If you deleted it and forgot to put it back then it might be a good chance to move it anyway instead of simply adding it back where it was.

I used cheat engine and slow the game down to 0.01 to see where the thing was being flung when spawning in and I was indeed correct on the fact it was clipping into the bridge. Unless you know exactly where it is it isn't really visible much less obtainable for normal players suffering the same issue. Indeed just having it spawn a bit higher giving the bridge time to become solid would fix the issue. You're welcome for the debugging. Despite the other replies I do in fact want to see this game be successful and wish the dev best of luck. His "fans" though need to learn how to support the dev by giving legitimate feedback or learn to shut up before discouraging other people from doing so. A rule of thumb, if your "feedback" won't improve the game then don't have it bury stuff that could had. 

The option doesn't really help when the physics will act the same.

Sorry if you got offended by criticism not aimed at you but I'm trying to fix a core issue before the dev get too deep where it become no longer reasonable possible to do so. 

The option doesn't really help when the physics will act the same. 

Amazing free game but sadly so broken in terms of how it works in terms of it foundation that it will literally be unplayable assuming the player have the goal of playing to completion. It took me making multiple save files to learn the hard way that depending on how your world first load up (and depending on the state you save it in) you might had unintentionally prevented yourself from ever being able to complete the game fully. Many important items/objects will straight up not spawn sometimes and if you had save it since world creation they will never spawn. Burger under the bridge near base, the key stone on the railing of the same bridge and a gravestone-like object where the two rivers meet are just a few things I personally had noted may or may not exist depending on the save file I use. In a game that expect you to comb every inch of the world to find tiny items it is straight up unacceptable to have such a game breaking bug that players may not even be aware of until many hours down the road. To anyone playing the game in it current state, I heavily advise you to not take it too seriously and try not to invest too much time into completing it as it is likely impossible in it current state due to factors outside of your control. Until the dev fix the loading/spawning issue this game can only be play casually. My advice for the dev, have flags/checks for the important items/objects in the game and have them reload with every game load just to be safe. Alternately give players a way to manually reset the world in terms of it important objects with a console command as the physics can sometimes yeet objects to unknown places anyway. Wouldn't hurt to have any object that you have spawn in be a bit higher from the ground and have it drop onto it either. Pretty sure the key stone that is meant to be on the bridge is either getting yeeted elsewhere or being shoved underground out of bounds if not into the bridge itself. If the map is simply too large and/or have too many objects on it which is causing the issues then I suggest making it a tad smaller if needed. I feel the inner ring of satellites is a nice balanced spot but the most outer ring of satellites could be a tad closer anyway given how quickly time move in the game. There are many other nitpicks issues I could address such as woodchipper not destroying the endlessly spawning pinecones as an example but until the foundation of the game works such minor issues won't matter anyway. 

Love the game itself but my god what do you have against my CPU? A browser plus other stuff in the background such as discord and such only bring my cpu to around 10% but this game alone with nothing else running but the browser required to run it make it 80%-100%. I'm sorry as I love the game itself but I don't love it enough to have it be the death of my computer. The fact you want this game to be long term doesn't help either. You will need to find a way to lessen the drain and resources it pull but for now I can't in good faith recommend this game to anyone without a disclaimer of how much it ask for just to run. In comparison with the browser running in the background while writing this a Dynasty Warrior style game only took 14% of my CPU. Browser, Steam and a game call Just Die Already (a physic sandbox with a decent size city to roam around in) took 50%-60%. 

I really hope you find a way to get the game to work without disallowing me to use the rest of my computer at any given time while killing said computer because I would really love to dive deep into this game. For now though I have other fun options that aren't so demanding. If you can't find a way to lessen the CPU drain then I highly suggest make a version where you can play at a much faster rate and just get it over with. A version which each basic resource spell fill their bar to 100% always. That way players can see what the game offers without being forced to stick to it for hours at a time. I honestly do wish you the best of luck but mistakes like this really do screw people over if they aren't careful. I notice something was wrong when I was unable to watch youtube videos while playing at the same time. This game basically held my computer hostage.