Thanks omegawolf! Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
There is more coming. You can follow the progress on my website or on social media
Thanks omegawolf! Glad to hear you enjoyed it.
There is more coming. You can follow the progress on my website or on social media
Ah, so it's the Steam version. In that case it's probably Steam's cloud save syncing restoring the file.
Try this:
I've just put together a quick patch which should re-check the H patch on load, so you shouldn't need to touch the save file if you replace 006.rpa in your install directory with the file above.
It appears to be in the right place. The only possibility I can see would be if you started playing the game without the H patch, it save on quit, now it's automatically loading that save (without the H patch applied) and not checking again.
Can you try closing the game, deleting your quitsave file (game/saves/ and starting again?
You might need to also delete the same file from your AppData directory.
Thanks EfyrAethylla, I'm glad to hear you liked it so much.
Unfortunately they've both been rejected by Xbox (A Dragon's Treasure has been released on the other consoles already). I don't think it's likely that xbox will change their mind.
I've just uploaded a new build. It's called "Sickness (Android)" and should download a file called "games.zetsubou.sickness-release.apk"
Can you download and install that? You shouldn't need to uninstall first. It should keep your existing save data if you just install it over the top of the existing installation.
It's built with a much newer version of the game engine and targets a recent version of Android. In my testing this version fixed the error you've screenshotted above.
Hi Arclighted, I'm glad to hear you've enjoyed Sable's Grimoire so much. I'll try to keep this relatively spoiler-free. The new content is coming to consoles at some stage... but it's in the hands of the company who port SG, so I don't know when it'll actually be done.
Rei's new ending isn't a double romance ending. It's not a romantic ending at all (though it's definitely a happier ending for Rei).
Whether other characters (including Rei) get their own games or not is yet to be decided. At the very least it wouldn't be until SG2 is done. Any hypothetical new games for different heroines would take place chronologically after SG2 and continue on from their routes in SG2. So in Rei's case it could potentially be SG1 (rei's route) -> SG2 (rei's route) -> new spin-off game.
That's how I'd see it playing out, though again, it's not decided yet. I won't rule out more heroine-specific games, but with the next two games in the series (SG2 and Project Homonculus) already announced I'd rather hold off on making any promises until they're done.
Do you have the option of installing the 18+ DLC from Steam directly? If it's available in your region, that would be the easiest option. Steam should automatically put the file in the right place.
If not, it should be a matter of finding the game in your steam library, right clicking on it and going into Manage -> Browse local files. Then open the "game" folder and copy the .rpa file into that folder. The game needs to be restarted after that (if it's currently running).
Also, make sure you downloaded the patch from
If you downloaded it from somewhere else, it's possible that it's an old version of the patch made for a previous version of the game.
I don't think I'll be able to help with that then. Please contact Gamuzumi, they make the console ports and have far more knowledge on the consoles than I do
The app package name is the same as before, so if you still have the game installed, installing the new APK should update the existing application and keep the save data.
If you've uninstalled the app, then I'm not sure if the old save data will still be there.
Worst case scenario, if you don't have the old save data, you could enable skipping of "All Text" in preferences and just skip until you hit the new route.