I was dumb, the answer was in the code's comments. If anyone else wants to know how to do this, it just takes 2 lines.
Use this line so that no one will be highlighted during narration:
define narrator = Character(callback = name_callback, cb_name = None)
Then just define who you want highlighted like this:
"Then CHARACTER laughed out loud." (cb_name = "CHARACTER")
Ziggylung Studios
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Feels really good so far. The various body parts are varied but all still feel viable. I like the player movement; the ponce in particular feels super satisfying. The only complaint I have is the resolution. I wish I could see further away, especially at high speeds or when fighting fast enemies like those raptors. I know I have the mini map (radar?) but during hectic fights its still hard to keep track of off-screen enemies.
Maybe this could be tied to some kind of vision trait? Better sight would zoom the camera out and let you see further away?
Fantastic game. Graphics and sound are amazing. I was able to get invested in the characters and world in such a short amount of time. A few other things I'd like to mention:
-I feel that the game is a little dialogue heavy. Not a serious issue, but I think it could be tightened up a bit. I ended up not reading any of the pages after the first one. Perhaps they'll fit into a larger narrative later on, but for now I just didn't find them very interesting.
-In chapter 1, sometimes I would reach a spot that triggered new dialogue but immediately fall and not get a chance to read what was said. Once I reach that spot again, I think the dialogue should trigger again if it got cut off before due to a fall.
-In chapter 2, some dialogue would appear off-screen and be unreadable. This happened when Mallory was too close to the top of the screen.
-Several others have already mentioned how the isometric view makes the platforming much more difficult than it needs to be. If you want to keep the isometric view, I'd suggest maybe adding a double jump or making the jumping more 'floaty' by increasing the air time on jumps. This would give the player more time to reposition themselves after a bad jump. Adding a dark shadow directly under the player would also help show exactly where they are going to land.