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A member registered Dec 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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First off I love the SFX and music, this the game with the best audio in this jam so far I think.

I liked the individual components of the game -- the boomerang, the gold balanced on your head -- but I wasn't sure if they worked together. I got frustrated bc it felt like I was just spilling everywhere as soon as I moved. I could never collect more than one or two golds before dropping them.

I agree with a previous poster that the boomerang felt great, I could tell you put a lot of work into making it move just right. A game focused on the boomerang alone would have a ton of promise. 

I also want to say this was a well polished game for the time limit and I think you did a great job on the "juice" -- the effects, animations etc were all superb for a couple hours of work. Good job!

I thought this game was very funny for some reason, I was cackling to myself while playing. Something about the big purple guy being lifted up by the green balls was funny to me.

But for real I think this is a clever idea, I like the idea of having to dodge targets that don't necessarily *kill* you but just move you awkwardly. I think that if you explored that further you could get a really deep interesting game out of that. Maybe a bunch of different shapes, abilities for the player etc. Just brainstorming here :D

Obviously we only had 3 hours for this jam and you got it into a good playable state, so kudos for that! I think it's a fun base concept for a game and excited to see what it might look like if you fleshed it out.

Wow I think you are the high score so far :D Crazy impressive I've never done better than 2!

I made it too hard for sure, I think if I had more time I'd make the boxes a lot heavier. 

Really excellent -- love the art style and pixelation shader, the SFX were satisfying, and the gameplay was simple but addicting. The way the box flexed as it jumped felt very squishy and nice.

I think the risk-reward of hitting it off the walls vs straight up and down is very clever and offers some interesting choice to the player.  Just brainstorming here but maybe some sort of bonus-point candies floating around might tempt the player to hit the ball sideways?

Overall though this is a super inspiring entry, you really did a lot with a simple idea here.  Great job.

Really excellent -- love the art style and pixelation shader, the SFX were satisfying, and the gameplay was simple but addicting. The way the box flexed as it jumped felt very squishy and nice.

I think the risk-reward of hitting it off the walls vs straight up and down is very clever and offers some interesting choice to the player.  Just brainstorming here but maybe some sort of bonus-point candies floating around might tempt the player to hit the ball sideways?

Overall though this is a super inspiring entry, you really did a lot with a simple idea here.  Great job.

Really cute game, I liked the art style a lot. I like the idea of the egg not being able to fall too far, makes some of the puzzles a bit more tricky. I discovered a bug where infinite toast got made and that was pretty funny too :D

Really cute game, I liked the art style a lot. I like the idea of the egg not being able to fall too far, makes some of the puzzles a bit more tricky. I discovered a bug where infinite toast got made and that was pretty funny too :D

Really unique movement. I like the visuals! I think it's a bit too hard at the moment and really couldn't get far in the game, but hey we only had a couple hours.

Perhaps if your rotation was locked when you jumped it might lower the difficulty a bit? Just spitballing here.

Hey thanks, I agree the movement is really tricky for me to get right. I used rigidbody2d and set velocity based on RawInput, but this felt really slippery in testing and the player kept flying off the small platforms. I added friction to the player to try to improve this but this leads to all the problems you described like killing momentum after a jump because the hard impact adds a ton of friction force.

How would you recommend implementing the movement? I am not sure what sort of scalars I should change. How do you deal with the "slipperiness" of just getting RawInput?

Interesting game and a novel concept I haven't seen done in a jam before. I have one question, why did you restrict yourself to just one day? I thought it was a 72 hour jam :)

Really unique and cool game! Big fan of this one. I like the color shifting mechanic it's super creative! Also the movement and jump feels really good. Excellent job

Glad you liked it. Sorry about the movement being confusing, it's quite tricky to get just right in a platformer. I tried a couple versions of the player movement before settling on this one but maybe I chose incorrectly.

Agreed the levels were confusing. I wasn't sure how to make the effects clearer to be honest and I ran out of time.

Thanks for the feedback on the movement, its always tricky to get platformers to feel right. 

Love the visuals, really evocative of a NES or gameboy game, and the little guys are so cute. Do the super expensive skins change anything? I didn't get far enough to get them all.

I thought the gameplay was super tight and well done. The movement felt like the perfect speed to be fair but challenging. After playing for a bit I found myself hoping for different types of enemies to come out, maybe a big slow fat guy or something. 

Great job, I enjoyed playing :)

Such a creative idea! i think it fits the theme perfectly, and the game looks excellent. I enjoyed playing and you have successfully opened my mind to a whole new style of game that I also want to make now :)

Really cool game! I'm so impressed you were able to make this level of visuals in 72 hours. I love the ps1-style visuals, the walk cycle looks great, the wooden choppers feel really chunky and powerful. The scrolling camera felt like it was the exact right speed, it felt fair but not too easy or slow.

Tbh i couldn't beat the game because the control switch was so difficult for me! I agree with another commenter that maybe a countdown timer would make it feel more manageable? 

Overall though seriously cool game, you did a great job!

Interesting concept, I've played gravity-based games before but the flipping gravity for everyone vs just for yourself is something I've never seen before. My one annoyance was how light the boxes were, I kept accidentally blasting them too far away from the button >.<

What a lovely game. So impressed with the art style and there is so much dialog here, impressive work. The music fits the mood perfectly. I'm curious, did you use a dialog system like Yarnspinner to implement the dialog, or did you do it from scratch?

Agree with the previous commenter that picking up the doctor was really funny :)

The game has that overcooked feel and with a bit more fleshing out I think it would capture the frantic feeling. I liked the theme and setting, very creative. I also liked the art style and dialog. Dialog boxes are really time consuming and difficult for me to make but yours felt super well-done!

Oh I see it now, thanks!

Interesting mechanic, and you did a great job with the particle fx!

Super cool idea to freeze time when you jump. I played through the whole thing bc I was interested in where you'd take it. My only criticism is the player was too slippery -- I know he's an ice cube but I felt a bit out of control sometimes. Overall great job!

Can you explain what swiping left vs swiping right does?

Love the gradually shrinking ice cube, the art is great.

Unfortunately the screen seems really zoomed in and I can't see much, so it's hard to play.

Did you make the music? I really like it