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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

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You need to (rot 13) srrq gurz; v sbetrg jung rknpgyl, ohg V qba'g guvax gurl jrer irel cvpxl. Rttf naq zrng? Naq lbh unir gb tvir gurz xvaq bs n pbafgnag fhccyl bs sbbq, orpnhfr gurl fgneir cerggl dhvpx nsgre lbh fgbc srrqvat gurz. V'z fbeel V qba'g unir zber fcrpvsvp,f, vg'f orra n juvyr ^^

The included level sets ought to last me a while, but is there a way to play other level sets? If not, would you ever consider publishing the source code? I'd be happy to contribute to this ^^

Hey, this is awesome for me! I've been getting into sokoban, but have chronic hand pain (ulnar tunnel syndrome). It's way more comfortable to play classics like microban like this than it is to play conventionally!

Incidentally, several of the trap doors appear to be broken, particularly those revealed by expoding cracks in the ground. It looks like their teleports aren't set up correctly.

I absolutely loved this game and all its little secrets. I did get to the ending, but had to do a little decompilation work to figure out the very last step. This makes a kind of sense in hindsight, but I don't think was very well-telegraphed at all; for posterity, to trigger the endgame, you need to (rot 13) perngr guerr be zber ubzbaphyv (gur uhznabvq barf--vs lbhef vf n oybo, lbh unir nabgure fgrc gb tb), naq cresbez nypurzl ba nyy guerr jvgubhg orvat va gur pvepyr. V guvax gur vqrn vf gung guvf perngrf n 'onynapr', fvzvyne gb 3-rffrapr bowrpgf orvat onynaprq naq fgnoyr va gur erfg bs gur tnzr, ohg abguvat ernyyl yrnqf lbh gbjneqf gung.

Just beat it! I wonder if I might be the very first lol

I think I got a bad ending, though; I won't spoil it but it ended with the word "headcrash." 

To those stuck, a few general tips;

1) Starting fights you're not involved in is a great way to get early gear. A simple way to do this is to lure enemies towards cops or armed NPCs; the gunshot might start a fight, or the enemy might kill the NPC. Just make sure to stand clear of any grenades.

2) The best way to get money is robbing cash registers, for $50 a pop. If nobody with a gun sees you, it's perfectly safe, too--and aggro cops/afraid shopkeepers reset when you leave and come back.

3) Speed is important! Speed lets you avoid damage, get out of fights, and honestly just improves your quality of life. Also, coffee is cheap, gives +2 speed with no drawbacks, and stacks infinitely.

4) Consumables can help a lot in the early game, though I didn't bother much by the late game. Not that they're less good, just sort of a hassle. Experiment!

5) Your initial goal is to get the four Ace tarot cards--I believe these spawn in the world initially, but they'll quickly get picked up by your rivals. Once you're geared up, hunt them down and take them for yourself. From there, explore and the next steps will become clear.

6) The shotgun is not actually better than the pistols. I would argue it's quite a bit worse actually.

No problem! It really wasn't THAT disruptive. If there's any other information you want for debugging, I can try to provide it!

This is really interesting! I also suffered from the crashes others reported a few times; it seems like holding forward (and possibly other directions) while climbing the ladder will cause it on occasion? Not reliably, so there must be another factor, but it never happened when I wasn't holding a direction while climbing.

I really like the ambiguity of the good end, and the environmental storytelling of the bad end; it makes it very clear what happened without spelling anything out. I would absolutely love it if we got some more interesting sea life and an expanded gameplay loop; I hope you continue working on this and expanding it!