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Incredible game with some very obscure bits near the end

A topic by created Jun 04, 2023 Views: 117 Replies: 3
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I absolutely loved this game and all its little secrets. I did get to the ending, but had to do a little decompilation work to figure out the very last step. This makes a kind of sense in hindsight, but I don't think was very well-telegraphed at all; for posterity, to trigger the endgame, you need to (rot 13) perngr guerr be zber ubzbaphyv (gur uhznabvq barf--vs lbhef vf n oybo, lbh unir nabgure fgrc gb tb), naq cresbez nypurzl ba nyy guerr jvgubhg orvat va gur pvepyr. V guvax gur vqrn vf gung guvf perngrf n 'onynapr', fvzvyne gb 3-rffrapr bowrpgf orvat onynaprq naq fgnoyr va gur erfg bs gur tnzr, ohg abguvat ernyyl yrnqf lbh gbjneqf gung.

Incidentally, several of the trap doors appear to be broken, particularly those revealed by expoding cracks in the ground. It looks like their teleports aren't set up correctly.

I'm still pretty lost on what that (rot13) bar zber fgrc (/rot13) is, personally. How *does* one advance to that point?

You need to (rot 13) srrq gurz; v sbetrg jung rknpgyl, ohg V qba'g guvax gurl jrer irel cvpxl. Rttf naq zrng? Naq lbh unir gb tvir gurz xvaq bs n pbafgnag fhccyl bs sbbq, orpnhfr gurl fgneir cerggl dhvpx nsgre lbh fgbc srrqvat gurz. V'z fbeel V qba'g unir zber fcrpvsvp,f, vg'f orra n juvyr ^^