I absolutely loved this game and all its little secrets. I did get to the ending, but had to do a little decompilation work to figure out the very last step. This makes a kind of sense in hindsight, but I don't think was very well-telegraphed at all; for posterity, to trigger the endgame, you need to (rot 13) perngr guerr be zber ubzbaphyv (gur uhznabvq barf--vs lbhef vf n oybo, lbh unir nabgure fgrc gb tb), naq cresbez nypurzl ba nyy guerr jvgubhg orvat va gur pvepyr. V guvax gur vqrn vf gung guvf perngrf n 'onynapr', fvzvyne gb 3-rffrapr bowrpgf orvat onynaprq naq fgnoyr va gur erfg bs gur tnzr, ohg abguvat ernyyl yrnqf lbh gbjneqf gung.