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A member registered Feb 25, 2021

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Thank you, this is a really creative solution, too! I appreciate all y'all's help.

Oh, that's an interesting solution! If no one else has any feedback for me, I'll do that. Thank you!

I'm making my first Bitsy game as a gift to my partner for his birthday and I've run into a small snag. When clicking on the "end game" sprite, I want there to be a dialog option that asks if you're sure. That way if my partner clicks that before anything else, the game won't just end. Any way to do this? I'm very new to making games and am struggling a bit.

Hi! I'm Alex, I'm a musician and a voice actor, and I've always been interested in making adventure games. Thanks for making such a fun little tool!

If there isn't one in English, I'm sure French or German has one. They've got a word for everything. Haha

Looking back on the last day you spent with someone, especially when you didn't know it was going to be the last, is so strange and melancholy. The new hindsight that alllows you to notice foreshadowing or dramatic irony. Or just the feeling of regret you have to live with now. This was an absolutely beautiful game, and it made me feel a lot of things. Thanks for making it.

I can't believe this was your first game! The scene where the hallways distort and the backgrounds shift looks really sophisticated and well-done. Beautiful way to convey the disorientation that comes with grief.