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A member registered Jun 11, 2020

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Can't join the discord link anymore (nor comment on the right post or the main page)

Oh I more thought about the central zone where you get to get credits in a way I hadn't discovered after 3 losses, but shall try then

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"(be sure to try to play through Entertainment District 1 after you lose all three times!)"

Is what happen new scenes with the updates? Must admit I can't remember if it was already doing that. If it wasn't, that's great!

Damn, didn't think it'd end that fast, and that we wouldn't have access to the rest of the demo we played previously, but was quite fun and hope to see more updates of it!

Was fun to play around but I'm a bit sad Artica never turned the table once shyness was at 0%~

For some reasons, can't scroll down with a phone so I can't leave the first batch of text

Heh I always thought the underground after the hidden boar scene before going to the desert was gonna be for part 3, but I guess I was wrong and it'll be on the 3rd game... Can't wait to see what's coming on 3rd part!

in the new zone, there are stairs going down but Mezz doesn't go in, so I guess it's for a future update?

So I guess there's gonna be a new underground soon? Or have I missed something?

A bit disappointing, wish it could be less grind-heavy, just want to continue the story, fights are not that much interresting to grind this much

I'm at the event where Caleb decides to fight alone, but I've made him loose a lot of HP and so he gets 2-shooted, is there a way to cheat his HP pool (or get it back)? Cos I don't want to spend hours grinding only for a fight...

Is there a wiki or anything that keeps track of the content to do? Has been a long time I've not played the game and I'm not really motivated to go through 30+ patchnotes to see all the things to do x3

I don't understand Fenborz's fight, I've tried every combination possible but it always ends in a bad way.

Still no news? :s

Sure let's bring that to the standard gaming to realise how it will end. I'm sure if you bought Star Citizen and get that delay because you're not constantly on their patreon, that'll be received really well. And it's insulting for those who supported the creator but can't or won't pay more for whatever reason (money issue, won't pay more than the game's price, etc)

Usually what's given to those giving constant money are stuff outside of the game's spectrum, something to really thank the support.

dunno it's always easier to know how I feel in front of the fact. Good job on spitting on all those who supported the project I guess. Further enhanced feeling by the fact that like anyone else I've been waiting for months for this update and that you always told it was for end of october but suddenly it isn't anymore for everyone.

Hope this will be updated~ Was good so far

And obviously it's sarcasm. This model of "patreons first" is only acceptable for games that are free. For this model, I'd rather be refunded my 10$ and all those 10$ that have been given from this website, and that we get the content for free here and just wait those 14 days then.

Oh yeah I can't wait to see this model come to the mainstream. Imagine buying Star Citizen and receive to the face "You don't give me money everyday so get fucked", that's a huge mentality we should all enforce for the future XD

Wait so having bought the game here for 10$ means we get the update later? Wtf?

Still saying that it can't open the file, but the free version on doesn't have any issue

Just bought the cheat version and can't install the .apk, can't open the file :v

I guess the staircase unlocked after the boar scene is gonna be used on the 3rd game? Since the door is locked and that we can loot a rusted key somewhere

Yeah I've not gone back to the game for the comment and since there is a club in the city, distr 1 and distr 3, didn't feel very clear to me x3

Il the whole brothel part from district 3 is counted in the "Center path"? I mean the one just before you've reached the final boss, where you can choose between left and right.

Also, will there be scenes added around the last boss's mansion? Because I was saddened when you reach it in slut mode that you only have the fight to do.

Well I mean I don't see the difference between the 4th and 6th value,or I missed something I haven't recalled... But as far as I'm aware, I tried all the events... And 4th never switch from 0, while the 6th goes up as intended with the boars

I've opened the Crystal script to read it and I don't understand. Something similar is written twice but one has a 0 value and the other something like 10... Don't think there is PM in here to be more specific on the question

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One backfire from that is expectations. Too much hype isn't good either, but I can only understand since I'm also regularly checking the news here and hoping to catch infos or stuff~

Hey, I just needed to express some concerns after re-playing the game. I love the themes and story, but I hope that making a much bigger world doesn't mean we're gonna experience much more loop gameplays? Because if we take this first opus, there were two enemies/scenes that were replayed for every mob that were encountered... So the grind in a state like the slut mode if there will still be one could become annoying if it'd be for hours the same scenes (dunno if my concern is clearly explained)

also Sentinel asks me to type "del /f filename" and I tried many things but nothing works... Wtf I'm confused

I'm softlocked at a place where it asks for a Sentinel's Number and no log to give any hint or answer... I dunno why it is a thing... And 0, 01, 69, 42 or 621 don't work so I have no clue...

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Healths potions are useless for Advanced dummy, it deals like 50~70 dmg it's too much for the first quest

I mean it's the strongest mob in the game xD

Yeah I finished my 11th quest for the Apron and seem to have finished 00.04...I'm just sad overhaul that I can't become the Patrons's slut :eyes:

But I'm friend with them or something like that since I saved their chief... Don't see any wild goats

I don't understand how to get cashemere...

Oh I didn't read that and thought that Hard was only removing starting items... Might be why I struggled for the endings I wanted

And how do you unlock it? I'm 100 with northcrest defenders & red orcs but nothing to unlock new zones

i don't underdtand... Entering which mountain? Are you saying to search around the old crypt?