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how to advertise my game better

A topic by co390 created Oct 08, 2020 Views: 1,207 Replies: 34
Viewing posts 1 to 4

so i advertised on youtube; by comments only

nobody seems to pay stuff on youtube anymore

which is why a patreon channel closed

and i followed everyone here but it seems everyone is offline

but its not like devs are gonna pay devs

so aside from making a website how should i advertise better


Here’s a few things I can suggest based on my personal experience:

  • Make sure to edit your creator’s profile. Once someone lands on that page, that means they are excited to see more of your work, and currently it looks pretty underwhelming for the amount of games you’ve got.

  • I took a look at some of your games, I’d suggest editing the game’s page to look more attractive. When a user lands on that page, that means they are considering if they will invest in your work. If they see a blank page, with little effort, it’s only natural to think that the game might follow a similar path.

  • Make some social media profiles. Every time you publish something new (a medium-big update for a game or a new game altogether) also make a post on all social media, linking to that game.

  • Try to establish some kind of consistency. A creator that has been making a new game every 6 month, of increasing quality, for the past 5 years, looks way more attractive and have more future potential than someone that made 3 games 5 years ago, and 5 more games this year.

  • Try to spend extra time on the cover images of your games. By looking at the image, a user should get an idea of what the game is about, but also what quality to expect. A low quality cover signals to the users that the game possibly follows the same quality.

Apart from these, there are options where you can pay to have your games advertised, but I haven’t tried any such route yet, so I don’t have an opinion on how effective they are.

that looks like full overkill and pure negative 


I would actually consider Dark Dimension as very good at this and they have given you some good pointers. But if you are too lazy to even try any of that, you should at least have the courtesy to explain to them how “that looks like full overkill and pure negative”. At least that’s my opinion…

also fully negative, plz think before u speak


For starters, you should write some better descriptions, take actual screenshots, use the tag system, rethink your pricing strategy… Wait a second… This seems awfully familiar. Oh that’s right: You asked for advice one or two days ago and then ignored it. (”[…] to me my free games do not require good looks”)

this might work but no

(1 edit) (+2)

I didn’t even bother looking on your pages for more than a few seconds because nothing at all grabbed my attention. It’s just so bland and empty.

plz take ur toxic elsewhere


Learn to differentiate constructive critisism from toxicity.

(1 edit)

no all u guys did was insult my games wout trying them, and i put in the cover images for the paid ones when u said i did not so ur just trolling

(2 edits) (+2)

We didn’t insult your games, we criticized your presentation of those games. That is just as important.

As sad as it is, the average person doesn’t want a great car that isn’t shiny.

well thats fine then

(1 edit) (+1)
  • This is one of your games’ store page.
  • And this is a store page I have pulled randomly out of my library.

That is your competition. Think about that.

Also: “this might work but no” is not an adequate response to someone (some might even consider it “toxic”), even if you disagree with them. If you had any kind of point (which I at least consider a possibility) you have failed to make it. Just as a piece of life advice: If you act like that towards your classmates you will probably get beaten up sooner or later.

this is a game site, not an impossible english site also im not a kid i just speak like one so no class; please do not troll and stop forcing ur lame opinion on others, thank u


Okay, last reply and then I’ll stop. First off: This sub-forum was made for discussions. It is literally called “General Discussion”. You cannot expect others to stop their discussion if they think they could still contribute something - especially not on the sole basis on disagreeing with your opinion. And asides from one person in this thread, nobody here is trying to “force” their opinion on others.

With that out of the way to the reason I felt I owe you one more post: I am sorry for assuming and saying you had “classmates”. That was what I said. I never said you were a kid. People can have classmates as adults as well.

But there is truth to what you said: I thought it would be beneficial for your future if I included that piece of advice under the assumption that you were a minor - but without addressing it directly. But the reason for me thinking that was not your use of the English language; it was what you said that lead me to honestly believe you weren’t an adult. If we would have had this conversation in your first language I would have made the same assumption.

… This is the part where I would normally give you advice on how to improve your use of the English language or how to have a better experience when translating text.


well thats much better, thanks


Even if you managed to successfully advertise your games why would anyone play/buy it? I mean what's the point? also isnt advertising in youtube comment sections kinda... douchy?

(1 edit) (+1)

That's not helpful information for him

why would anyone buy your games huh?


oh wow, you sure got me there :o


I feel the need to point something out for those not in the know (which are most likely most of the current readers): About 5 days ago AGuyLikeMatt took on the challenge to make 7 games in 7 days which is incredibly taxing work. Due to this their last few games would not be representative of their full potential.


(1 edit)

my games might be simple and 2d but they are addictive, thanks for post


well my point is... advertising shouldn't be your priority. I think its best to polish up your games and game/profile pages first

that depends


AGuyLikeMatt made my point exactly: It might sound harsh to you, but as of now, you have nothing worth advertising for, co390. Even if your games were better than (just as an example) Disco Elysium, your presentation is so lackluster that your store page will drive the vast majority of readers away.

We are telling you this because we want to help you to improve - not because we’re “toxic”. At this point, I have read 2 of your “Please make my games sell better”-posts, but you ignored every piece of advice that was offered.

From my perspective you seem very young, so I’ll say this: Currently, you are starting out. Everyone is bad when they just started doing something. Getting batter takes practice, effort and time. It’s part of being human. You should not feel bad about having to improve - and you certainly shouldn’t push away the people who have shown their willingness to help you. We are taking the time out of our lives to respond to you not because we want to “win an argument” or something. But if you have no interest in putting the effort in - why should we?

And it is the same with your games: If you don’t care what users think about your game when they look at it on the store page - why should they care about your game?


Well said!

(1 edit)

now i am reporting this; 1 utmost cruel 2 utmost unhelpful 3 purpose malice


uh dont think its a good idea to false report like that bro, it might bite you back


Truth be told, I’m archiving this thread for my own personal use (so I don’t forget why I made a note to not respond to co390 anymore if I can help it), because I doubt any admin or mod would be in any mood to sort this out in detail with co390 behaving the way they are. Nothing good can come of this “discussion” anyway at this point. And honestly: I wouldn’t want future users having to read through this thread in its entirety. :/


hahaha, well it was a fun read. definitely passed the time, but it was obvious from the get go that co390 had no intentions of gaining anything from this except free traffic for his games. This was all an advertisement no different from him going around YouTube comment sections.


Well I’m glad someone got to enjoy this… ;) But yes: In hindsight I should not have given them the benefit of the doubt for as long as I did. It’s just that I want to help people…

P.S.: I (and probably AGuyLikeMatt as well) would not discuss this openly if itch had the option for direct messaging.


Perhaps he gained traffic, I doubt this generated actual downloads.


Hm… Normally I would ask you to point out the parts that were offensive to you - but I already know you wouldn’t respond.

Here’s something else you can report on, that might actually have a chance of getting removed:

Dear co390,

My time and effort spend with you were clearly wasted. I can see that now and feel sorry and foolish for trying against my better judgement.

I also suggest that you show this thread to your parents for emotional gratification.
