I absolutely love this game, and I hope that it can go so much farther, sorry just little appreciation bit first. I will say, probably my main issue is the sight being so limited. As of now, you have to be able to react incredibly quickly, or be lucky in order to shoot enemies before they shoot you. While I like that this involves fast reaction times, and love that watching the shadows becomes a powerful feature of the game, I would suggest a vision that shifts to the side you are looking at, as then you can be more prepared to see enemies coming, but not in a way that just reveals the whole map to you, and is more immersive in that it is like how you are not really able to see behind you (but don't shift it entirely, being able to see behind you a bit is critical. An example of what I mean would be in Cave Story.) I am terribly excited to see where this game goes, and thank you for reading.