Hi, I thought I would take the time an write up a quick guide on setting up Asset Forge on Linux so that there is a desktop entry.
Install Asset Forge
- Download Asset Forge.
- Extract Asset Forge form zip file.
- Place Asset Forge directory in /opt directory in the root.
Here is a command snippet for unzipping into /opt/ directory (correct file name if needed):
`sudo unzip /{DIRECTORY_TO_ASSET_FORGE_ZIP}/Asset\ Forge\ 2.1.0\ Linux\ \(Deluxe\).zip -d /opt/Asset\ Forge`
Desktop Icon
Now we have to get a desktop icon for Asset Forge. You will find a good one within the /opt/Asset Forge/Asset Forge_Data/Resources/ directory.
- Find the UnityPlayer.png within the /opt/Asset Forge/Asset Forge_Data/Resources/ directory.
- Copy and place the png file inside of /usr/share/pixmaps/.
- Rename file in /usr/share/pixmaps/ to "io.assetforge.png".
Here's another command snippet on how to do this:
`sudo cp /opt/Asset\ Forge/Asset\ Forge_Data/Resources/UnityPlayer.png /usr/share/pixmaps/io.assetforge.png`
Desktop Entry
The last step is to create the desktop entry file (.desktop). Follow the snippet below as a template; it should be accurate if you decided to follow these step exactly. If you had anything done differently, make sure to adjust the desktop entry file to those changes.
1. Copy the following text and place inside of text.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Asset Forge
GenericName=Asset Forge 2.1
Comment=Create 3D models and 2D sprites using building blocks.
Exec=/opt/Asset\ Forge/Asset\ Forge.x86_64
2. Rename the extension of the text file to a ".desktop" file (the file can be name "io.assetforge.desktop").
3. Move the file to the /usr/share/applications/ directory.
`sudo mv /{DIRECTORY_TO_FILE}/io.assetforge.desktop /usr/share/applications/`
Gnome Users
You may need to restart your computer or desktop environment to get this to work properly. If you are running Gnome, then press the macro alt+f2 and enter "r" to restart Gnome.