Hello! In tried the demo of your game, the whole surviving on floating islands thing kinda sold me!
First, the graphics are not great, without even having to change your assets you could tweak the materials and the graphic settings to make it ways better, having casted shadows, ambient occlusion, bloom, more light reactive materials, etc...
Secondly, I didn't find how to craft stuff, maybe I'm dumb though ^^
When you lose health, there is 0 feedback, nothing telling me I lose health except the bar
I couldn't figure out how the jump / jetpack was working, sometimes pressing space was doing something, sometimes not
The bees have a really simple and not very interesting behaviour, I think they stop following me after a while but I'm not sure
Globally the controls are very rigid and the game lacks a lot of juice ^^; You probably thought of a lot of the aspects I mentioned, I know this is just a demo, but I'm giving advice on how to make it better!
Congrats to have that, and good luck for the next ^^