Hey folks,
While Itch is an OK place to chat about individual games, it doesn’t give me the community I’d like to build a business on. As such, I’ve been plugging away on a few things over the past week or so.
First is a new website. I’ve had one for a while, but hadn’t ever run it past anyone for visual feedback so hadn’t promoted it. It doesn’t look as great as I’d like, but is good enough to start putting in front of folks.
On that website, you’ll find a community page. This used to link to a Matrix room, but as of yesterday now features my shiny new Discord server. Check it out.
Please note that this community, as well as the Discord and mailing list, are subject to the Lights Out Games Code of Conduct. You’ll have to review that and agree before participating on Discord.
Hope to catch some of you on Discord soon!