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Lights Out Games

A member registered Oct 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I appreciate it!

I think it works differently for group keys. I don’t see an option to revoke an entire group, nor do I see a revoke option for individual keys in the group. I saw this post a while back that suggests it isn’t possible:

If I’m missing something, please point it out to me. Happy to do this myself if I can.

Reached out to support earlier this week and haven’t heard back, so was hoping there was another option. I’d like to start selling next week, but want to clear these test keys first.



I’m preparing to sell my first game on Itch. A few months ago, I created a group of test keys which I’d now like to revoke. I don’t see an option in the UI to delete these, though, and when I researched, it seemed like the only solution was to contact support.

Is there some other way to delete these? I’d like to do so before selling so folks can’t use the test keys to get a free copy.


OK, should be fixed in the next release, landing in a couple hours. Godot on Android sends an odd, non-standard scancode for Escape. Its keyboard support is kind of bad in general, actually. I figured out and added that scancode to the action triggered by Escape on other platforms, and in my brief testing (pausing/resuming a game, exiting menus) it did work. Hopefully it does for you too.

I also discovered that, with my PC keyboard connected to my phone, Windows plus Backspace triggered the back button, which does exit the menus. Ugh, pretty bad experience all around, and not sure who is at fault.

Thanks for the reports.

Yeah, I think so. That’s a bit odd, though, and I wonder if it might be changed?

Generally, if I get a message about a new post in my game’s community, I’ll go to the game’s community to read it, or I’ll follow the email links. To my knowledge, neither action clears the indicator that I’ve read the notification. So if I want regular notifications of new topics in my email, it looks like I have to take the additional step of accessing and clearing my notifications. Since email notifications are meant to save time, I probably won’t manually mark the notification as read, so I won’t get new email notifications, and the feature just won’t serve a purpose for me. Am I misunderstanding how it works, or missing a setting to change it? Some alternatives that might be better:

  1. Offer a setting to not batch notifications. I may need to unset that if my game takes off, but in the initial stages where I’d like to respond more quickly to feedback and get back to building, getting every notification quickly is key.
  2. Embed a tracking pixel in the email noting that the notification has been read, similar to what GitHub does. If this happens already, I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere I’ve looked.
  3. Make the emailed link mark the notification as being read, such that clicking on the reply/post links makes notifications flow again. Although, in the case of batched notifications, the previous 2 solutions would make it more difficult to discover multiple new posts.


Actually, replied too soon. Hacky fix for the startup issue incoming. Should be released in 20 minutes or so. I’ll research the keyboard issue next week.

Thanks for the reports.

I can confirm the speech issue here, though I’m going to have to think through how to fix it. Unfortunately, turning off TalkBack stops the game’s TTS, but it doesn’t trigger any of the callbacks that let the game know that speech is done and it can continue. All I can think to do is add a 10-second timer that starts the game even if speech is active, or maybe delaying the screen reader message until after the game starts. Unfortunately, the initial focus on the Start button also stops speech, which would terminate the notice as well, so I can’t just queue it up and let things go. Let me take the weekend and think it through. I’m leaning toward the timer solution right now, though that would unfortunately add a delay for anyone who turns off their screen reader without being prompted.

I’ll also try to get a keyboard hooked up to my phone. In the meantime, do you have any way of simulating the Back button? Back should get you out of menus. TalkBack binds that to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. I do agree that Escape should work too, and will investigate why it doesn’t.

Thanks again.

Seems so. But interestingly enough, all of my new message posts are getting bunched in a single notification that claims it was created 48 days ago, even for posts created recently. I’m wondering if this is some digest notification that’s just getting added to, and thus not emailed out? I clicked the Subscribe button on my games’ community, so in theory I should be getting new messages.

I do get notifications via email and on-site for posts I individually subscribe to by checking the individual checkbox, along with notifications of new follows and such.

I wonder if this has anything to do with me changing my account email address? The address definitely works, as I do receive some notifications there. Not sure why it’d matter if the address worked before and after the change, but it is something I tweaked so I thought I’d mention it.

Oh, that was a subtle bug. Worked fine in local builds, but crashed with anything from the build server.

Should be fixed in the next release, which I’ll push later today or early tomorrow. Thanks for the reports!

Hey folks,

While Itch is an OK place to chat about individual games, it doesn’t give me the community I’d like to build a business on. As such, I’ve been plugging away on a few things over the past week or so.

First is a new website. I’ve had one for a while, but hadn’t ever run it past anyone for visual feedback so hadn’t promoted it. It doesn’t look as great as I’d like, but is good enough to start putting in front of folks.

On that website, you’ll find a community page. This used to link to a Matrix room, but as of yesterday now features my shiny new Discord server. Check it out.

Please note that this community, as well as the Discord and mailing list, are subject to the Lights Out Games Code of Conduct. You’ll have to review that and agree before participating on Discord.

Hope to catch some of you on Discord soon!

Hey folks,

For some reason, I’m not getting email notifications whenever someone posts in my game community. Is there any way to enable something like this? I’m doing a bunch of things to launch my business, and while ideally I could add manually checking my community for new posts to that list, it would be better if I could just get a new email whenever someone posts in the game community so I can pop over and reply. Right now I’m manually subscribing to each new topic. Those notifications do seem to appear just fine.

Am I missing an option to send new emails whenever there is a new post in my community? Or, if that doesn’t exist, is there some other channel I can enable so I’m not having to manually check for new posts?

Thanks a bunch.

Got it, thanks folks. Debug builds work for me, but it’s possible I’m doing something wrong for release builds. I’ve been working on building out the website/community for Lights Out Games, but I’ll circle back to this and check it out.


I’ve decided that this sounds fun and deserves a chance to prove itself.

My next goal is to try running Onslaught on my Xbox–should theoretically be doable since default UWP builds already work–but after that, I’m giving this a shot.

The release I’m about to make addresses this. Doesn’t use your exact numbers, but I made non-focused asteroids a bit louder and focused asteroids a bit quieter. Let me know if that helps.

So I’m not entirely sure what might cause this, and it may just be that the field gets more and more crowded and there’s nothing I can do, but the release I’m about to push has a potential fix. Give it a shot and let me know if it’s any better.

Thanks for the feedback.

If you mean speech callbacks, you’re correct. TTS-RS has half a dozen drivers of which Tolk is one, and it’s the only one that doesn’t support callbacks. That just means the feature won’t work there, but all mobile platforms do and that’s where I care about performance.

Onslaught community · Created a new topic Radio silence

Hey folks, wanted to explain why I’ve been silent and haven’t pushed out a release in a few days. The TLDR is that I’m working on refactors that might bring Onslaught, and other future games I create, to mobile. Unfortunately, that work has required lots of focus, but fortunately it’s wrapping up and I can get back to game development.

The longer version: I’m not just releasing Onslaught. I’m also releasing godot-accessibility for access to the engine. Godot-accessibility in turn depends on godot-tts which uses tts-rs for providing TTS access on most of its platforms, which in turn uses speech-dispatcher-rs under Linux. This is a lot of code, much of which is in Rust, and all of which is in projects I own. And while Rust is great for creating fast, stable code, it can be hard to work with.

Over the last week, I’ve been working on making TTS-RS call callback functions whenever it starts and finishes speaking a bit of text. There are some instances in Onslaught where I need to perform some action when speech stops–starting the game after telling the user to disable TalkBack, for instance. The way I’d done this before is by checking whether TTS was speaking, then telling the engine when it was done. That was fine, and probably mostly unnoticed on desktops. But those checks happened around 60 times per second, and as you might imagine, that had the potential to slow things down drastically on mobile. Android in particular was likely to suffer, since calls crossed the Java-to-native process boundary, which is generally a bit slow even when you aren’t hammering it 60 times per second. :) And, indeed, Android performance was kind of bad.

TTS-RS now calls functions when utterances finish speaking, which in turn will eventually propagate those calls up to godot-tts. As such, godot-tts will tell the engine that it is done speaking, rather than the engine having to check in 60 times per second. Hopefully that will give mobile performance the kick in the ass it needs.

Unfortunately, Rust makes some things hard. Function pointers, callbacks, and closures are one example. Further, I had to implement and test these mechanisms on Windows, Linux, MacOS and the web. Each platform does things differently, or in some cases not at all. That took all my energy this week, and I didn’t have any left over for game dev.

Fortunately, TTS-RS seems to be working. I still need to work these changes into godot-tts, but most of the differences are abstracted away behind TTS-RS, so I only need to do that work in one way. That’ll probably wrap on Monday or Tuesday, and I can get back to implementing Onslaught changes.

Speaking of, since the game seems more or less stable, I’m considering (knock on wood) adding another platform into the mix. If I can get things working on my Xbox, that’s what I’m considering launching next. I’ll post another update if that works out.

Agreed, was thinking the same but wanted to hear someone else second it. I’ll tweak the numbers in the next update. Thanks for the feedback.

Hmm, there are two ways I can interpret what you wrote.

So the way acceleration works right now is that you have a maximum speed you can’t exceed (wow, there’s a snarky discouraging insult in there somewhere. :) Pressing Up adds some amount of delta to your speed based on how far forward you’ve pushed the stick. But you can never exceed the maximum, you just approach it more quickly.

Are you suggesting that turning work the exact same way, where you ramp up or down from the maximum turn speed based on how far left/right the stick is? Or that your maximum turn speed is determined by how far left/right the stick is, and you ramp up and down to that at some fixed rate?

Would like to hear other folks chime in here. It breaks from the traditional “center and shoot” mechanic of most audio games, but maybe that’s past due anyway.

OK, think I have a fix for this. Unfortunately it’s in an upstream library, so I’ll have to wait for them to merge my changes. Hopefully that’ll be quick.

Thanks a bunch for the report.

Aww, crap. Tolk is just giving me lots of grief for such a simple library. Maybe I’ll look into how to talk to the screen readers directly, though that’ll take some work. In the meantime, I’ll keep digging. Maybe there’s another workaround.

This shouldn’t be happening, but I’ll look into it. Essentially, asteroids spawn at one of the borders and head in a random direction. I’ll make sure the numbers look sane and nothing odd is happening. Thanks for the report.

Cool, let me know if you figure out the correct key combination and I’ll update the docs and tutorial.

Ah, I see, they just made the motion more physically accurate for space. Not sure how to capture that in audio, but am open to suggestions. But I take your point that a) the game is already different and b) keyboard users can use different methods to achieve the same goal.

I’ll play with analogue mechanics for a possible end-of-week update. Working on some other fixes for this next one.

Makes sense, thanks for the report. I’ll fix that in the next update.

On one hand, I’m hesitant to change the game substantially for gamepad players in that way. On the other, if you’ve bought a tool specifically to game better, then maybe we should let you play to that tool’s strengths. On the gripping hand, this isn’t meant as a competitive game, so maybe it shouldn’t matter if gamepad changes enable gamepad users to score more than keyboard-only users, as long as they’re having more fun.

Thoughts, anyone? It wouldn’t be hard to respond differently to partial analogue stick movements.

On one hand, I was trying to stay faithful to the original game which, I don’t think, had any of these features. On the other, arguably the original game operated under constraints we don’t have, and has its flaws.

Thoughts, anyone?

As a heads-up, I’m planning on reducing bullets’ time-to-live in the next update. They wrap, which is fine, but I’ll probably reduce them to half or so of their current flight time. So aiming is about to become a bit more crucial, as you can’t just take out targets behind you quite as often as you can now. I want to test that in isolation, and not make bunches of changes at once so we can’t tell which helped and which didn’t.

Thanks for the feedback.

So to confirm, neither of you are being respawned? Also note that colliding sometimes moves you, so if you’re hit at (0, 0), it wouldn’t be unusual for the asteroid to bump you to (1, 0) or similar.

What happened on death in the original Asteroids? I figured it made sense to have a slight break in the action, but am open to changing that if needed.

Thanks, I’ll consider these for the next update. Good suggestions here.

I’ll admit that the discoverability of this is crappy as you’re not the first to voice it, but all dialogs including the game-over dialog are tabbable. I.e., unlike with most screen readers, you can tab between the message and the OK button. So to hear your score, just press Tab after the OK button presents and you’re back on the message. This is one of those weird ways that godot-accessibility breaks with convention. I didn’t want to build a full object review system, so I just made lots of things focusable, including field labels. I take your and others’ point that this isn’t obvious, though, and welcome ways that it might be made more so. Part of the issue with Onslaught is that I’m not just building a game, but also a system that makes the underlying engine accessible. So if you have thoughts on how to make it more approachable, I’m happy to hear them. But I can probably improve the game-over experience, so I’ll focus on that for next week.

I’ll put some thought into this, but maybe dropping the master volume might work as well? Part of the challenge is that the volumes seem to vary across platforms. Windows SFX definitely seem louder to me than Linux, for instance. I could add more and more sound cues, but at the end of the day it might make more sense for folks to drop their master volume to the point where speech is more audible. Not trying to gaslight you, I just want to see if the features that already exist meet your needs, particularly since I just fixed persisting master volumes. :)

Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! I’m definitely considering it even if I seem initially dismissive.

That’s wild. I think I installed this driver, but it suggests that it only works for bluetooth. I only got it working via USB. So either I installed some other driver and forgot which, or Linux is more of a wild west than I suspected. :( Sorry. I do know that my Xbox One controller behaved very well, so I had high hopes for controller support on Linux. :( I was also on Fedora, but I can’t imagine that making much of a difference.

You can run it like this:

./onslaught.AppImage > log 2>&1

That will redirect all output to a file called “log” in the current directory. Alternately, errors should appear on the console from which you’ve launched the game.

Is this a PS4 controller by chance? Linux was my primary development environment until a couple weeks ago, and my Xbox One controller worked beautifully, but I do have one report of a PS4 controller not working well.

I’ll see about getting my buddy’s PS4 back if he’s done beating TLOU2 for the 8 millionth time. :) If I do, I’ll try it under Linux and see what I can do. I may be somewhat limited though, as controller bugs are either in Godot or subsystems it depends on.

The hyperjump deadzone issue should be fixed in the release that’s dropping in a few minutes. Thanks for the feedback.

This should be fixed. Look for it in the next build. Thanks for the feedback!

Another quick note:

Played a round on my Mac, and for some reason, the snap command is Ctrl+Win+Left/Right arrow. That, of course, is on a PC keyboard. I’ll have to see if there’s an engine bug for this, or if I can add the correct MacOS scancode.

Thanks for all the other feedback.

Hello, and thanks for the feedback!

Turning is very fast, so let’s see if you get used to it. If not, and if others have issues, I’ll slow it down.

There is no gradual speed ramp-up. You’re either full-on accelerating or you aren’t. I take your point about teleport being too easy to trigger, though. I’ll make it less sensitive in the next build.

I had some time to kill, tried this now, and can’t duplicate. I downloaded the latest release build, scp’d it to the Mac, plugged in my keyboard, unzippped, and ran open from a terminal. Everything ran and spoke. I confirmed that I’m running the latest build by switching focus modes, which is a new feature.

Not sure what else to do for you. I’m on MacOS 10.15.6 and a newly-purchased Mac Mini. Given that I only use this for development, I haven’t changed its settings much. Are you using the default voice? I don’t know if that makes a difference, but if so then that’s a bug.

Given that you’re an iOS developer, any help you can offer to debug this would be appreciated. Otherwise, I’m not sure what else to do for you. Sorry. :(

Sorry you’re having trouble with speech on MacOS.

What version of MacOS? Someone else seems to have gotten it to work fine, and it worked OK for me on my new, upgraded Mac Mini. I’ll give it a shot in the next day or so and see if I can duplicate.

Thanks, oopse, I’ll downmix the saucer sounds in the next build. I’ll also look into the snapping issue.

Which version of MacOS are you on? I have one report of speech not working at all on MacOS, but it worked for me in testing, so it’s interesting to hear that it works for you.

First of all, thanks for using the forum so we can all collaborate on these sorts of reports. :)

I’ll look into this this afternoon. What specific audio settings are you changing that aren’t being saved? I added in the master volume setting and may have broken something in how I apply values.