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Character Creator 2D

Character creation and customization tool · By mochakingup

Feature Request

A topic by jinx111 created Oct 29, 2020 Views: 292 Replies: 5
Viewing posts 1 to 6

1. Ability to import your own artwork in non unity version

2. More animation options

3. Remove preceding 0's in sequence...It is quite annoying ...Should be 1,2,3,4,5 no 001,002,003,004,005

4. Allow the player to have 360 degree animation frames ie 2.5 D Animations

As is, I cannot use it...and it is a shame because I really like this tool

I have purchased 3 packs from you and the software.



Thanks for your purchase and feedback!

I will try to answers those below

1. This has been in the works for a while, we're still exploring options on how the best to do that. 

2. Sure! Some animations might not be possible, but if you have any suggestions let us know.

3. We did it this way so that when you export to 60fps and have more than 100 frames, it's easier to organize.

4. This is not possible at the moment and we have no plan to do that. This is much easier to do on 3D characters rather than 2D. 

I think more social animations such as dancing, drinking,eating, shacking hands, high fives and other social emotes would be good as animations


That is a good suggestion! we'll add it to our to do list.

That is great...Please also bring out more packs and artwork.

Any news on the standalone update?