hello, and yes! please update to the latest version (v1.94)
it will allow you to input numbers beyond the slider limit on the position offset.
you are allowed to make game with it.
but you're not allowed to resell the assets or characters made with our tool on their own or as a part of a collection.
there is a License section at the bottom of the page here: https://mochakingup.itch.io/cc2d
it's a simpler version of the EULA on the Unity Asset Store, but the important point is the same.
Hi there! sorry for the slow response,
you can follow the install instruction on the itch page or in our documentation.
here's the quick guide on how to do that:
Unity Installation (minimum version: Unity 2019.4)
Import the .unitypackage files into your project
Click the menu: "Window/Character Creator 2D/Create Character" to refresh the parts
Standalone Installation
Install or put the .pack files into "Your Character Creator 2D Installation Folder/Packs" folder
Run your Character Creator 2D standalone
Hello, sorry for the slow response!
it's not possible to export parts individually, but it's possible to export to an atlas that you can then crop by yourself, as seen here: https://mochakingup.itch.io/cc2d/devlog/160176/update-v170-and-undead-pack
but as another user just pointed out in the forum, this is currently bugged in version 1.90, so please stand by for a fix on that.
Hello there!
Are you planning to use the Standalaone or Unity version?
I'll try to answer your questions below:
1. The animation control is at the bottom center of the UI. Is it not working for you?
2. Standalone:
You can create new body skin, but you can't change the basic structure of the body. You can't add new animations or change UI elements
The purpose of the standalone version is to generate characters for your game/product, not to provide customization for your player/user.
2. Unity:
You can create new body type and change the body structure, but it's outside the scope of the tool, so you need to dive and edit it yourself. Animations and UI can be changed, it requires you to be familiar with how animations and UI in Unity works.
3. Not possible at the moment. Again, in Unity this can be done, but it requires a lot of customization from the current state of the tool.
4. The standalone only supports exporting to PNG at the moment.
I hope this answers your question, feel free to ask some more!
Depending on your specs and needs, we might be able to do custom build for you.
If that's something that you'd be interested in, please send us an email! :)
Are you sure you're not mistaking this with other tools?
CC2D was first released in 2018, and the standalone version in late 2019, If I'm not mistaken.
We do have free glasses add-on (https://mochakingup.itch.io/cc2d-free-glasses), but we never have any wings.
Hi there
You are right, Face Lines 4 is part of the Daily pack.
I'm sorry that our description was not clear enough. We've included all available packs in the demo, so that users can try them all out and decide which packs would be useful for them.
Thanks for bringing it up! We'll add additional info near the top of the page, to make it clearer.
Thanks for your purchase and feedback!
I will try to answers those below
1. This has been in the works for a while, we're still exploring options on how the best to do that.
2. Sure! Some animations might not be possible, but if you have any suggestions let us know.
3. We did it this way so that when you export to 60fps and have more than 100 frames, it's easier to organize.
4. This is not possible at the moment and we have no plan to do that. This is much easier to do on 3D characters rather than 2D.
Just tested it, and it's working fine on our end. Unfortunately we can't replicate the issue.
I'm sure you already did this, but just to make sure, this is how to install packs.
Manual Install:
Using itch.io Desktop App:
Can you try installing them again?