Looking for a jam to do after Thanksgiving? Looking for a jam where you blend genres into a single game? Looking for a jam that also has a tillable mashed potatoes as its background?
Well, I have a jam that fits all these categories! The Mashed Potatoes and Cramberry Jam, run by Banished Crown Studios! This is a first time jam for us, but we have spent a lot of time getting the jam up to a high quality for people to participate in. The jam starts December 4th @ 6:00PM MST and ends 9 days later.
We have a discord server to join if you have any questions, or want to look for a group. https://discord.gg/nw2spEx
Teams are limited to a max of 6, and the use of assets from other sources is allowed so long as you have legal permission to use them and credit them in your game.