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A member registered Jan 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Sure? I mean while we certainly have a bit of a desire to come back to the game and give it a final batch of updates, its most certainly on the backburner. However spikes in interest like this most certainly give us a bit more of a reason to do so.

Our most recent devlog on this game gives a more complete picture tbh, you're also replying to a 2 year old post on my end. And I can assure you my view has certainly changed since then.

Funny little game. Honestly just wish there was more.

Thanks for taking a look at the game! Even more so putting together a video of your playthrough.


You might want to increase the size of the web gl submission on itch's size, however otherwise its quite a fun game.

Dev console is due to the regular version of the game not totally loading for the webgl version. We submitted the dev version as it was able to load and we didn't have the energy to debug the issue.

Pretty fun game, I don't know if the enemy bullets do anything really but the sfx for attaching another ship to yourself is really fitting, and the gameplay is pretty fun

Enemy upgrades are a planned feature. However this game is being put on the backburner for some time while we work on game development on a separate, new game.

Sorry thats the case, sometimes your browser might be causing problems running the game.  You might try some other browsers on this page, or you can download the windows version of the game and play it that way. However being able to run this on something other than a computer might be a bit problematic.

If you have a different OS than windows, if you let us know we could add a build for your OS.

We will see. I'll add it to a list of "planned" changes.

Thanks, your words warm our hearts.

Glad you did, Thanks!

Hi, went ahead and put together a small gameplay video. Sorry for the long wait, things just kept happening.

We'll see what we can do. 

That's something we would like to change in the next update, the main reason why we didn't use up and down however is due to worries of them scrolling the page for the web gl version. 

However at the least having them as an option would be better.

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What do you think triggered the error?

Was it the PB, or something else?

Glad you are enjoying it!

Glad to hear you enjoy it. Best part is, we'll make the end game possible in the next update, current estimates are about 32 million years in worst case to reach it.

(1 edit)

Yup, due to the physics based nature of the game you can increase the ball's speed to insane speeds. However if the ball is doing that by itself without ball speed upgrades and without having something hit it, that could be entirely unintended.

Thanks! We most certainly had a couple of bumps on our way. 

I'm planning on playing your game while recording my playthrough, so I guess look for that in the future!

The Jam has been extended to 7MST. We encounter some small issues with our own entry that we should have noticed. Also since we only have seen one other entry we thought it best to extend for anyone who might have the same issues as us right now.

The Jam has started! The 2 revealed secondary genres are Survival and Arcade. Good luck all!

If you haven't yet managed to find a group to Jam with feel free to join the discord or comment here to try and get in contact with me or @Chavezfk.

Bumping for the 24 hour precursor.

Just a week now!

2 Weeks till the jam! We currently have some artists and musicians that are interested but need a programmer.

Looking for a jam to do after Thanksgiving? Looking for a jam where you blend genres into a single game? Looking for a jam that also has a tillable mashed potatoes as its background?

Well, I have a jam that fits all these categories! The Mashed Potatoes and Cramberry Jam, run by Banished Crown Studios! This is a first time jam for us, but we have spent a lot of time getting the jam up to a high quality for people to participate in. The jam starts December 4th @ 6:00PM MST and ends 9 days later.

We have a discord server to join if you have any questions, or want to look for a group. https://discord.gg/nw2spEx

Teams are limited to a max of 6, and the use of assets from other sources is allowed so long as you have legal permission to use them and credit them in your game.


Comment here or join the discord to try and find someone to team up with for the jam!

Well, its essential lunar lander. Your speed can get to insane amounts, just the smallest touch too much speed when landing on something will cause instant death, and I wish I had a joystick with a single button to play this. 

Art and music were well chosen and due to the timelimit and the more unwieldy controls the there and back is much more difficult than expected. Honestly a well executed upon idea.

As prior people have mentioned, grabbing on gems seems to be a bit of an issue.  Didn't really become a problem till level 9 where a gem is right in the way of a wall you should grab onto. I do like the general mechanic of swinging around using your frog tongue however it just feels a little slow for my taste. The music and sound effects were pretty nice, but the frog honestly looks more like a snake than a frog. The tongue also not sticking to the pixel art design is a little disappointing.

Honestly I would love to see this game expand into more levels with more complex art and a faster swing. Seems like it would be rather fun.

I think the concept is certainly unique. Being pulled back by a magnet while attempting to obtain batteries to increase your speed is pretty cool. I do however think that zooming out the camera and making the batteries have more of an impact on the speed would have helped the game. As it is currently they feel like they have an almost miniscule speed increase for each one you pick up. I was even able to finish levels while picking up less than all the batteries.

The music also seems to restart for each level which is a little jarring, and even with the max speed with all the batteries the magnet starts to feel rather annoying. I do however like the art and other than that the movement, while a little slippery feels pretty good regardless.

I would be happy to check out your game.

I would be happy to check out your game.

Yup vision cones are implemented in our current build which should help with the gameplay.  Thanks for playing however!

Yeah vision cones are something we are working on right now to try and help players with a better understanding of the limits that the guards and player has. Thanks for playing however, hopefully when this jam is done you'll be open to checking out the updated version that we plan to have.

Game is a little rough around the edges. The title screen feels very muddled, the wall art doesn't quite match up with the ground, the camera when moving stuff shakes, the music of the second level is noise, and I had multiple issues with enemies getting stuck in boxes. The concept is pretty unique however and if I could have a better handle around the exact ranges and limitations of the game without having to try and figure them out myself I feel I could have had more fun.

The concept is certainly unique but could have been better executed.

A much more arcadey game than most in the jam. The art is nice, the movement and gameplay feels good. Honestly the only issue I have is that losing arrows over spikes pretty much requires you to take a hit.

Honestly this feels like an amazing jam game with a small handful of stumblings on the way to the finish line. The idea is simple yet does a good job with the given theme. Falling then having the gravity reverse to fall backwards with things changing on the fall back provides more interesting gameplay than not having the things change at all. The graphics are simple but are visually distinct because of it allowing for easier readability. Finally the levels feel pretty fair as you are shown them when they are less dangerous before changing to something more dangerous. The screenwrap is also a nice touch.

But then you have the weird camera when the shape spins, and the weird momentum when that happens. The confusing tutorial screen that only makes sense after you have a single run of the first level that mainly comes to understanding due to the simplicity of the mechanics. The shape being difficult to get up when you need to "climb" a cube to progress. And then only the menu having music. 

This feels really suited to be a phone game, with swiping left and right to move and the more vertical design of phone screens allowing to see a longer distance ahead. Overall nice game, but there are a couple of things you can do to really improve upon it that can be rather simple to implement.

So, the slide to move control feels underwhelming when used. But you can up the time you can drag the skull. However getting it to a point which doesn't break the game but feels satisfying seems difficult. The concept is a good one but for some reason the window breaks on my machine and since I am unable to change the resolution and it keeps happening the game while playable is greatly diminished. The sfx for moving the skeleton are also rather annoying once you hear them 20 times in a row while you struggle to move. Music is really good along with the art.

Feels very much like a grow cube sort of game. I also feel like the addition of a timer that you have to wait to finish adds a wasted time sort of feel to the game.  The fact you can only "use" items and cannot pick any up unless you trade or an interaction occurs is a little disappointing. 

The art, sound, and sfx are all nice but they are all sourced outside of the jam. Its possible that there is some fun stuff in this game, but I just can't push myself to play more to try and get there.

Very well polished game. Overall everything was really well done. I only have 4 points that I feel were underdeveloped. Lasers hurting enemies but spikes not activating or hurting enemies feels disjointed.  The coins feel very meaningless, and since there is a ton of them and they reset on death at some point I just stopped caring about them.  Having no option to regain HP back incentivizes players to kill themselves as they regain their HP back and the coins are meaningless. Finally to even more incentivize player death once you get a crystal piece you have to trek all the way back. Or you can just die and get there faster.

The coins here are the real Achilles heel as having them have a purpose would help 2 of the other issues. Otherwise very nice game. Good job!