This is really rad (better than Epic's own upcoming geo tools at the moment) but I've got some requests/questions (maybe some of these requests are already in and I can't find 'em):
-Ability to bevel edges would be nice?
-When I'm in face mode, is there an easier way to switch objects? It seems like right now I have to switch out of face mode and into object mode to select a new object; and 0 being the hotkey for that makes it more difficult than it should be
-Is there a way to quadrangulate a mesh? UE4's upcoming geo tools have this, and it's really nice because as a level designer you generally don't want to work with tris.
-Add divisions/tessellate? I'd like to be able to select a plane and hit a button to divide it into smaller planes.
-Cut face? Haven't found this yet either.
-An auto-sew for texturing would be awesome, like in Hammer or Probuilder - basically some way to quickly and easily continue a texture around a surface. In Hammer it's select a face, alt-right-click another face and the texture wraps nicely onto the new one. Example vid:
Really great work <3