Thank you for playing Campus Magnum! If you encounter typos, bugs, or errors, please report them in this thread. I appreciate any help you provide.
"Hey, it’s okay, $p1.nickname," you said as you resumed the rough finger - I accepted a Multiplication Card and chose Mark: whisper was "Domination".
There was one where the Fixation/Exultation trait was "Undefined" and produced an error message. I tried to recreate it but after 5-6 run-throughs couldn't find it again.
Thanks, j25union. I have fixed the first error. I've seen the second occur once or twice in the past, but I haven't been able to replicate it intentionally. I'll keep a lookout, and maybe another player will be able to find the cause. I think it might be a result of refreshing the browser mid-game, but I'm not sure. Thanks, again.
I think this may be an issue with the Twine engine when you run a game while your browser is in a mode that restricts access to the storage functionality. Usually, this is because your browser is in incognito mode. If not, you can try seeing if there's an update to your browser available, try running on a different browser, or enabling cookies in either your browser settings or if prompted when visiting
Okay, I think I found the issue, and the latest version is back up. As always, you've been a big help. If you run into the issue again, please let me know. In fact, Caleb shouldn't be able to offer you "Weakness" at all. There's a couple others that shouldn't occur either. Your character can't accept "Stature" and Mark's can't accept "Pilosity."
There was a choice for Multiplication or Fixation between the two NPCs, but when the card was selected it showed up as a Dissolution card with the Salt effect. When I clicked on the character icon, it said that the Fixation card was selected, but it still had the Salt effect instead of the Mercury one.
Since another user observed a similar issue last night, I have been trying to recreate the event without success. If it occurs again, it would be a huge help if you could take a screenshot of the game and the affected player's description. I have made an adjustment to streamline things which may have the added effect of fixing this error. But if not, I think I will need more help finding the cause. Thanks for your help.
An inconsistency: Caleb is afflicted by uncontrollably horny, whatever the name of that was, and got Addicted. The end of the text says "It only takes a few minutes for Caleb’s high to wear off. And aside from him occasionally sneaking some of the cum out of his shorts and into his mouth, he seems back to normal." That shouldn't be possible given the previous story text.
Both Gustation and Inferiority always apply to Mark during turns that target Ethan.
Edit: Not sure which card it is, but Mark plays it, Caleb chooses Ethan, the Player selects either of the transmutations, and then it bugs and applies the effect to Mark.
Second edit: It's always a Sublimation card, and it doesn't matter who plays it, but Caleb's the one that chooses Ethan. I just got a turn in which Caleb played it, Mark rejected it, and then Caleb chose Ethan, and the Gustation transmutation still applied to Mark.
Also, someone else mentioned that there's no truly "good" ending. I had the idea that, if you win the Sandbox ending, Ethan should be able to choose whether he remembers the previous game. From there, he can choose to stop Mark and Caleb from starting the game. Maybe Ethan then destroys the game before anything good or bad can happen.
Idk, just an idea to satisfy the masses.
Also, I updated the bug report.
Not sure that this is really a glitch with the game, rather than some obscure itch store setting not being toggled, but I purchased the game during a sale earlier this year, and had access to the Sandbox version. I just tried to grab the update but the download page now only shows the basic version? I suspect it's due to the fact that because it was 50% off during the sale, I now count as not having purchased it over the minimum to get the Sandbox. Would appreciate a quick fix!
Hey BerylForge, I've found a bug when Atomity and Depilation are applied to Mark at the same time. Mark's description shows him having a beard despite the Depilation transformation having taken place. I checked the passage in SugarCube and noticed the variable checked by the if statements is $ rather than $ Hope this helps!