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Transformations I'd Like To See

A topic by BerylForge created Dec 13, 2020 Views: 5,137 Replies: 21
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Hello all. This is a space where you can tell the author what sort of transformations you'd like added in future updates. I'd love to hear your ideas.


i want transformations my character more muscle and huge penis 


Really enjoying this game, here's a small wishlist:

  • Expanded testes/hyperactive prostate/increased ejaculations
  • Demon/incubi transformations
  • the ability to double down on transformations would also be good (more muscle/larger endowments).

In addition to the hyperspermia there is precum to consider as well. The dick could be slobbering like a happy dog.

I'm not sure supernatural outcomes fits with the framework, but perhaps it could be either a game option, something with low probability, or halloween special mode. I can imagine someone getting the Legolas-treatment (slender, blond, pointy ears) could fit.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Hyperspermia cumming in the next update. Content has been trickling in the last couple months, and I think I've got a good flow now... Jizz. 


For me tattoos would be a big one.


Yes, and there are lots of variations to randomly select between. A high quality artistic sleeve, shitty school made tattoos with knife and ballpen ink, overtly sexual designs with dicks and demeaning text, childish yet gay/porny designs like bronie or furry stuff, tough guy shitty tattoos with tribal shoulder tattoo or barb wire around the arm, or the full deal including face and hands.

All changes so far has been just the mind and body, so piercings perhaps is out of scope, but he could certainly get stretched ears with the roughest tattoo (or as another change predicated on it).


I havent even played it yet, but first thing that comes to mind is some sort of animalistic transformation. Horns, fur, scales, genitalia and/or etc. (This might not fit at all since Ive not tried it out yet though x3)


I would like to see more wg and gainer endings. like if someone has corpulence and gain and they win maybe they can make everyone in the house a gainer , feeder  or something similar


Ask and you shall receive. The next major content update will feature a gainer ending using exactly the criteria you've outlined. Thanks for the idea, Dinobot200.


Hey ! I realllllly love your game

i would like to see more muscle/jock/dumbing down/himbofication. Maybe the possibility to use the card Fatuity more than one time :3

maybe add a gimp/robot/leather/rubber tf

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

Thanks, Yugopain. I'm thrilled you're enjoying the game so far. The next update is only a week or so off. While it won't be in this coming update, I have definite plans for another jock/himbo scene in the near future. 


I wonder if there was a way to get the dumbing down to actually make the player appear dumber without having to rewrite all the texts of the game.


If there is, I haven't thought of it yet, unfortunately. I am slowly chipping away at it though, adding in dialogue variations for dumb players. 


You can make the dialogue the main character says go through a dumbing down filter. Adding verbal ticks like adding dude or bro at the start or end of sentences, adding "like" in a lot of places, adding "you know what I mean".  Replacing complicated words with simpler ones, perhaps by adding a four- or three-syllable limit working off a dictionary. Perhaps a bit too complex to make a good automatic filter.

That all just demonstrate that the character is dumb. I would like something that makes the reader/player feel dumb somehow...


I made an account just to comment because this game is incredible. As for suggestions on transformations I'd love to see for realistic hopes I think age progression would be great. For more wishful thinking hopes I'd like to see some anthro or racial transformations. And for uniqueness I'd like more combos like strength and fatutity changing dialogue and reactions to reflect the new bro/jock/fratboy style as well as when making Caleb a bear or Mark into a twink where they start to act more dominate or slutty reflecting these changes and combos shown in the achievements. Another fun game over option would be if all 3 players have fatutity and become to stupid to continue playing like with the 3 loyalty effects. 

No matter what you choose to make next though I'm sure it will be incredible as i even find the kinks I'm not into so well written that's its just as interesting to read. 


Wow, thanks Wolfboy. That means a lot. I hope to add age progression before too long. It's actually meant to be the "Experience" transformation mentioned in the rule sheet. You're not the only person to call for some kind of anthro addition; I'm just not sure quite how I'd do it. Maybe I'll just add a couple of expansion packs you can shuffle in. XD

I love the three fatuity ending you're describing, and it's going on my to-do list. More unique dialogue for especially dumb or aggressive players is already on the list and, unfortunately, is just a very big task. 

Also, some other solo Devs (Unruly of DemiTransference and Randiel of Young Marcus Expanded) and I have just put together a Discord server to share content updates, get player feedback, and help people learn to make their own games in Twine. We'd love to have more members:


Just wanted to chime in and say the game is a gorgeous piece of work. The amount of extra effort with the card turn transitions and iconography is top notch. 


Heya! I think this game is really fun as someone interested both in the kinks and the execution in a card game format! Great setting and interesting mechanics! 

As someone really interested in macrophilia, would it be possible to include an ending you get when one player wins after having grown and the other two having shrunk? Thanks again for what you've made so far!


Hi Beryl. Been playing this game since approx version 0.4.0 and have been obsessively keeping track of updates. You've turned what could have been an extremely repetitive TF lootbox into a high stakes contest of wit and skill. Unlike some other TF games it's pretty difficult, too! I admit that the first couple playthroughs I had to resort to savescumming to figure out how to get some endings without being transformed in ways I didn't want - which is exactly what the game is designed to do to all the characters playing it.

This has been suggested before, and I know it's on your to-do list, but I'd still like to echo my support for the Experience or some sort of age progression transformation. Could create some sort of paired mental transformations to go with it, e.g. Longanimity, making the characters inwardly more mentally mature, struggling to use technology, more stoic and grumpier.

Another suggestion would be a physical transformation for conventional attractiveness, and with it a mental transformation of vanity or narcissism, e.g. Majesty for sharper jawlines, striking features, statuesque beauty; and Ostentation for an obsession with the current physical form of the character, making them more resistant to change and reacting much more strongly to any physical transformation but very quickly becoming used to their new form and becoming self-obsessed once more.

Finally to round out the list, would love some sort of himbo combination with Fatuity + Muscle + another transformation. Dumb, good natured, buff, horny. Need I say more.

I write on the GSS as imperatenor. Would love to contribute some writing for endings or transformation sequences if you feel my style is appropriate!


Hexes Anonymous was fantastic! I'd definitely keep reading if that became an anthology. If you're on Discord, consider joining the Homotextual Gaming server to check out some other gay text-game developers. That's also where I've been occasionally collaborating with other authors. If not, we can figure out another way to keep in touch. 

I'd like to echo everyone's comments about how amazing this game is! The art is gorgeous and evocative. The writing is extremely hot (particularly the soul transformations). And the mechanics are clever and engaging, without being overwhelming or distracting from the writing.

In terms of new transformations, I'd be keen for some style/wardrobe changes (e.g. piercings, leather gear, sports gear, tattoos, etc).

I also really enjoy the existing transformations and would love to see more interactions between them. I feel like the game really comes alive when it acknowledges the existing changes (e.g. the Aroma/Insufflation interaction) so it would be great to see more of those moments. Lunar/Solar alignment in particular feels like it is rarely referenced outside soul transformations. For example Reverence seems to play out with Mark in a dom role regardless of whether he is Lunar/Solar - it would be cool if that changed when he had Lunar alignment.

Similarly I think it would be great if Fatuity/Addiction/Thirst/etc could be applied to multiple players. It feels a bit limiting to only be able to apply them to one player, especially in sandbox mode when trying to exact revenge on Caleb and Mark :)

But really, whatever you decide to do next, I'm keen to play it!