Hello, I purchased the asset recently and everything is working fine except loading instance creation codes/variables.I used the txr2 method as per doc and I think it is saving the information right: { "name": "level0entrance", "creationCode": "unlocked = true;\r\n", "x": 1152, "y": 480, "obj": "par_room", "propertyCode": "special_room_name = \"starting_room\";\r\n" }, But when I try to load a room I get this error : ds_map_copy argument 2 incorrect type (string) expecting a Number (YYGI32) at gml_Script_txr_thread_create (line 19) - ds_map_copy(locals, argd); ############################################################################################ gml_Script_txr_thread_create (line 19) gml_Script_txr_exec (line 6) - var th/*:txr_thread*/ = txr_thread_create(arr, argd); gml_Script_room_pack_raw_run_cc (line 116) - room_pack_eval_script(l_ccRaw, l_ccPath); gml_Script_room_pack_raw_run_yy_inst_cc (line 140) - if (l_rcc != undefined && l_rcc != "") room_pack_raw_run_cc(l_rcc, l_rname + ":Properties"); gml_Script_room_pack_raw_add_layer (line 275) - room_pack_raw_run_yy_inst_cc(self, l_qinst); gml_Script_room_pack_raw_run_impl2 (line 339) - room_pack_raw_add_layer(l_lrs[|l_lrk]); gml_Script_room_pack_load_map (line 64) - room_pack_raw_run_impl2(l_map); gml_Script_room_pack_load_string (line 86) - room_pack_load_map(l_raw1, l_x, l_y, l_flags); gml_Script_room_pack_load_file (line 104) - var l_z = room_pack_load_string(buffer_read(l_buf, buffer_string), l_x, l_y, l_flags); gml_Object_obj_generate_level0_Alarm_0 (line 3) - room_pack_load_file("TestRoom.json"); I really need to save instance creation code, is there a working way?Or am I doing it wrong? Thanks