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bug issues

A topic by AndySim created Dec 27, 2020 Views: 221 Replies: 2
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I found a soft lock in the golden armor recipy quest in the lever room when you choose to fight it pulls up the pause menu and if you go into the skilltree option then the fight begins that only shows a black screen as the skill menu opens up and no controls do anything.


I fixed the issue. Thanks for the info! :)

hey just stopping by again to point out that because of pavervail or what ever the place right of the main castel in central you can access more of the map then I think you intended. I am guessing because with the messages saying that you should go to the capital at the very begining of the game.but like said all those messages can be by passed before going to the castel. the only places that cannot be reached is the top contery and the left countery.