Someone pls tell me what should i do to get Mira's wings. I already do all her scene until threesome oral with Vampire. But when i talk to her, she said "i dont know what to do with the crystal" that Maria gave her.
I assume you're on step 6 of her events: "6. Finish the Thremten festival
(starts at the Aldlyn city board), have Mira at 100+ relationship,
the abandoned barracks repaired and the dual blowjob scene with
Vampire done to unlock Mira's dialog at the sleeping chamber for the
sex scene."
Someone pls tell me what should i do to get Mira's wings. I already do all her scene until threesome oral with Vampire and Thremten festival.but when i talk to her, she said "i dont know what to do with the crystal" that Maria.My mira 256 relationship and i play again 3 time
You meet Mira for the first time in the Abandoned Barracks of Central. She will join your group after defeating the Ghost she was trying to exorcize.
If you talk with Mira at the sleeping chambers before going to the big gate in the north dungeon, you get the quest “Exploration”.
Talk with Mira when she is level 10+ to get the “Evil Spirit” quest.
Talk to Mira again at the sleeping chambers. Requires Mira on level 15+, relationship on 70+ and Headmaid Ryia must have shown you the secret room next to your bedroom. (Oral CG)
After the evil spirit quest, you can meet the angel Maria in front of The Drunken Cave in Begus. The events will lead you to the Ironholm prison, where you need the help of the ghost girl Shey to advance. Shey can be found in the dungeon below Old Ashton.
Maira will now appear with Aura at the Havaria port. Talk with them there to start the temple island events.
Finish the Thremten festival (starts at the Aldlyn city board), have Mira at 100+ relationship, the abandoned barracks repaired and the dual blowjob scene with Vampire done to unlock Mira's dialog at the sleeping chamber for the first sex scene.
Second sex scene is in the temple island dungeon.
When all main characters are at 100+ relationship, you can talk with Trey to unlock the marriage system. You can select Mira on the marriage screen once you have all of her previous events done, and Vampire is in your party.
After you proposed to Mira, you can repair the temple island to have the thrid sex scene with her in the repaired house in the cave below the temple.
Out of sequence: Talk to the dark sorceress (Zady) at Bitterroot Farm south in Central. Requires the quest Dark Sorceress in order to get into the farm building. (Nude CG)
Bonus Scene: Starts in Vampire's events. (Dual Blowjob CG)