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Ludum Dare Developers - I'd love to see your game!

A topic by Gamasauratron created Dec 15, 2015 Views: 712 Replies: 3
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(3 edits) (+1)

As the title suggests, I'd love to see your game, and I imagine others would too! I am currently going on a Ludum Dare gaming spree and pumping out as many of them as I can in as short amount of time with my 6 for 60 segments. I play your games and highlight 60 seconds of them on my channel:

Whoops! No longer accepting games to record for this Dare, but tune in next time around to submit more!

Now don't post about your games here, as there is actually already a section for that here:

However, if other Youtubers would like to chime in with their own contact information, feel free!

And I'll see you, in the Wasteland!

(Sorry Dan, I couldn't resist!)


Ha, it's cool! I've already got something brewing for it, we'll see how it turns out.

I sent you a link a few days ago, really enjoying the videos you're making.