this website is unbelievable. my internet connection isn't the best and large downloads typically timeout if i don't use a download manager (i prefer to use JDownloader). thing is, none of the download links on this site work with JDownloader.
i can "right-click > copy link location" on pretty much any other site and JDownloader will do the rest with me only needing to set where the file downloads to and hitting the start button. on nope, DENIED! JDownloader doesn't work with javascript links. and i tried downloading the app earlier...well, it said it was a resumable download link on JDownloader but apparently the file wasn't even at that link as it downloaded a few hundred bytes then gave a file not found error. oh and the download was NOT resumable.
so...might you have a real download link on a website that it actually download manager friendly? like a file hosting site such as MEGA or similar? otherwise, this game is entirely off-limits to me which really sucks.