Hello, Fishlicka. If you're looking, this message is for you.
I saw your post expressing your interest in looking for new ways to distribute Juice Galaxy. I admire and agree with you on this, and I wish you the best in making that push.
That being said, I have noticed that you suggested Steam as a platform to try to release on. I have to come and make a recommendation against releasing Juice Galaxy on Steam.
My reason is for the community and the sort of expectations, spoken and otherwise, by the vocal members of the Steam game-browsing community regarding unfinished games.
The short of it is that these guys dislike WIP games, free or otherwise, and they don't have a lot of respect or patience for a project that develops release by release, update by update. Labelling Juice Galaxy as Early Access might ease this hostility a bit, slightly, but it would be countered by the addition of pressure from users who latch on to push updates without fail and very regularly.
I for one personally like the freedom you've had and have used effectively for developing Juice Galaxy further. I would rather see what comes of Juice Galaxy naturally, at your own preferred pace. This would hardly be sustainable under the pressure from the Steam "fan"-base.
On a mechanical note, I like being able to play each update of Juice Galaxy as its own update, which stands apart from how Steam does things; on Steam, only one version of a game is available to play at a given time.