I'm making this guide to avoid so many questions which has been asked over and over again and help people starting out.
You :)
Left click - move, pick up an item or use an item in your hands
Right click - drop and item to the ground or storage.
W A S D - camera movement
I - inventory
E - buildings menu
SPACE - Whissle for bots
Start is always the same, pick up a nearest Stick and Stone, little popup will appear and click to craft yourself a Crude Axe
Stick - craft material, lying around

Your 1st and the most important item for a whole game is now in your hands. Walk up to the tree and chop it down with your axe using left click. After choping down a tree you will get yourself a Log lying down on the Tree soil and 0-3 seeds

Once you chop down few trees down, bring up building's build menu (E) and put a simple flooring down with a left click.
In case you put any blueprint or building down wrong you always can delete it with Delete mode inside build menu with DELETE, left click on desired blueprint or building and click on the trashbin.
Buildings aren't build right away, when you put the blueprint down you still need to supply it with materials.

Close down build menu and hover over the Flooring, tooltip will say you need 2 logs to build it.
Drop the axe down with right click on the floor or open your inventory (I) and put your axe into your backpack.
Grab a Log (left click) and use it on Flooring (right click), finish it off with 2nd Log.
Finally you got a Flooring where you can put another building for future processing as workbench or saw.
Open up build menu and select Crude bench saw, you can rotate it with R and put the blueprint on the flooring.

To build a basic Workbench you need 2 Logs, 4 Planks and 1 Stone
Arrows indicate where you will stand to put material in and where are items comming out from
Where to get Planks from? Good question!

Pick up your axe from you inventory or from the ground and use it on a Log.
Split Log by an axe get you 2 Planks. Split another one to get 4 Planks and finish off your Saw with 2 another Logs and a Stone
Once you finally finish your Crude Bench Saw you can LEFT click on the Saw to choose what to split your material into.
Use your material in hand with a RIGHT click to split it.
Now, we need to move on, put Basic Workbench blueprint down on Flooring

2 Logs, 4 Poles and 2 Stones later, you got Basic Workbench!
Basic Workbench offers you to craft basic tools, remember to LEFT click to choose the option from a building, RIGHT click to use the material
Now, here comes the REAL FUN PART! Build Worker Assembler!!!

Now, we're gonna make it more interesting and PRO. Click on Worker Assembler and choose Basic Workbot.
To build Basic Workbot, we will need 4 Planks, 4 Poles and 1 Gear.
To craft a Gear we will need to build Wood Router

5 Planks, 2 Poles,1 Log and 1 Wooden Axe (from Basic Workbench) later, you can finally craft a Gear

NOW FINALLY, head to the Worker Assembler with Gear, 4 Planks and 4 Poles and make yourself a 1st Basic Workbot.

Here is where the real game start to show it's potential!
Press SPACE, left click on your Workbot. You have 2 options, Trade and Teach.
Trade him a Wooden Axe from your inventory. Click on Teach, Left Click on a Tree and click on Forever. And Go!

Now, your Bot will cut down trees until he's Out of battery, Trees to cut down or axe. Unfortunatelly even Bot's tools are getting destroyed after a while of using.
Now you automated out Log production but sooner your Bot will run out of Trees to cut down.
Build a Seedling Tray prefferably the entry point facint into the tree soil

Since now, you will get lazy but at the same time, you will realise you have so much options to not get your hands dirty.
Build 3 more Basic Workbots, Teach 1st to pick up a (left click) Seed and put it in (right click) Seedling Tray

Teach 2nd to dig the holes down with Wooden Shove (from Basic Workbench) and Trade him a Wooden Shovel
Teach 3rd to pick up Seeds from Seedling Tray and put them into the holes.
Now, you've automated your forrest to be cut down, cleared of all Seeds, dig holes for Seeds and put the Seeds to let them grow for new Trees! Congratulation! :)
I'll expand this basic guide when I've got some extra time sooner or later.