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A high-end code editor for all things GameMaker · By YellowAfterlife

[SOLVED][Beta] Bug ? Snippets hide other autocompletion results

A topic by valden created Feb 28, 2021 Views: 143 Replies: 2
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(1 edit)

Hello !

I found a rather annoying bug while trying out snippets for GMEdit : if the autocompletion matches any snippet, it will only show snippets in the autocompletion and not the other results. It kinda breaks the autocompletion feature, and is very unfortunate I think.

Here is an example with the for snippet from the documentation hiding any other results

Here is what the auto completion looks like with the same letters if no snippets are registered

Note that the autocompletion still works, but only if no other snippet are matched.

Thanks for your hard work, other than this bug I had a great time so far with the software !


Pushed a hotfix with a tweak for this, not sure why it’s happening all of sudden - haven’t changed anything related to auto-completion recently.

Thanks a lot !