Any decent way of getting perversion high enough in early game? So far, all I've found is to use seduce and the likes but that has a fault in it.
Few turns in and upon encounters such as with wolf and harpy I think, no decent way of getting lusts high enough without risking of losing battle which is high. Reason is that, initial move entices enemies to use your ass but like wolf, doing so will make risk getting their dick lodge into yours and lose.
As an enchantress, it is not that apt when role playing. No seemingly decent way of being on a dominant role without letting enemies get the better of you for lust points. Unless I'm doing things wrong or missing something, I feel like this could be reworked if possible or add some more apt options.
Edit: I've found a somewhat decent way of doing it, either by dual stroke (handy?) I think and rub (seduce line) but it does leave you open to the attack of beasts like the wereslut which can easily beat you once knotted early game as far as I know. Kinda wish there was a better way to handle those kinds of attacks though maybe later on there will be.