Hi there
Currently it's a bit tedious to get the bot working where you want them to. As I understand the first programming action defines where the center of that bots working radius is. So if you want to have a bot working in an area, you need to pick up a tool bevore that so that he can for example chop down trees. You have to pick up an axe hit spacebar teach him where to chop, drop the axe delete that drop command from his program pickup a new axe from your general storage and rearange that pickup command steps on top of the curren programm. And if you want to move the working area you have to do the whole thing again. It would be nice to have a button to manually set the workzone center.
That would be a huge help for our "recharger" bots. Because as of now you have to wait until a bot breaks down out of range of any other rechargers to set a new bot on reactivation duty to cover that area.
It's quite annoying to set some bots up for work and realize later, there where no one covering that area to reactivate them.