I've just announced my game project and I would like to invite you all to check out the early demo. Follow the link below to go to the game's itch.io page and give it a try! It's in a pretty early state so constructive feedback is welcome and very much appreciated :)
Of Love and Eternity on itch.io
Of Love and Eternity is a stylistic adventure horror game about love and separation. In this game, you will journey alongside a poor knight in search of his lost love after they are both separated by death. The road ahead is a treacherous one as a world of damned and lost souls awaits. There dwell violent and wicked spirits who have been long abandoned and who prey on those who stray too far. To reunite, the knight and his beloved must overcome this purgatory or else be taken by the evil that lurks there and suffer eternity lost.
And for those of you who are interested, I included an announcement devlog that goes into a bit of background on the project and what the future holds. It might be a bit of reading but I really wanted to add some extra context to this announcement and state of the demo.