I enjoy this game a lot. I can see a lot has been improved since the last time I played it. Every time I die, the fullscreen turns into a window, which isn't a huge deal. Also sometimes the spikes on the ground disappear and I've died to these invisible spikes a couple times. I see you can make babies now, and I assumed these were a way to make a checkpoint, but it doesn't appear to work yet. I'm excited to see where this goes!
I will say one thing I'd like to see change the most. It's a bit too easy to get stuck somewhere you can't get out of. I recognize why worms can dig down but when you're underground it seems like even eating worms can't override the inability to get down out of places. I often find myself with not enough jumping power to go up and no ability to dig down out of holes I'm in. I wish bats could actually give you flight instead of just a better double jump.