Hey yall, I made this card here and am in love with the theme and pun and name and look and think it'd make a real fun archetype! You know, Saurceroar - Sorcerer + Saurus + Roar. I think it's great
I don't really have a concrete image of what this deck would look like, mostly in the form of MAGIC-BASED DINOSAUR PUNS! So any help there would be real swell!!
Also I thought it'd be fun to try out a topic of like collaboratively brainstorming a theme!
My current ideas are:
- Big creatures with Big Numbers and Small creatures that Swarm Up (you know cause dinos are Big but also they can be Small)
- Magic as protection or enhancements, I mean the dinos are wizards but how does that magic manifest?
- Support cards that are about growing in levels and maybe eating each other, like a food chain type thing
If you got any good name puns or some cool card ideas drop them here!