Make and teach robots to automate the world! · By Denki
Have you checked on all the other islands? :)
Please Upload your Save and Output_log so a Dev can look in to it.
i dont have any apple trees either, i even looked all over the map, and could you send me pic of what they look like please!?
i found an apple tree, but i dont know how to take apples from it apples... (when i chop it, it only drops 1 apple, which i have to replant)
An apple tree will drop between 1-3 apples so keep chopping/replanting :)
when do u release new update???
Today :)
Hey i don't have any Apple Trees on my world too, i checked every island.There is two island i didn't check because i can't build a Bridge to it because its on the fog.
Dragbuild the bright from the beach u can see.
Explore all island and you will find apples. In 6.1 i got 1 apple tree. in 7.1 1-2 trees and in 8.1 i found 4 trees all over the map.
I have one island i havent fully searched-- no apple trees.
there´s always apple trees... somewhere
I can show you what apples and apple trees look like... just give me a sec...
Here they are!
I found mine on the western island, however, there was only one, so look around to find it!