Hello Mapemounde Community! Here’s to success on all your game projects. :)
I’m currently creating a game that features a competitive set-collection mechanic to drive the game forward. As players make choices about what they want to add to their own collections, the segment of the map they selected disappears, and they need to move to a different area of the map. The player can invest their collected elements to score points in “developments” that can be claimed only by one player per game.
In terms of theme and story, imagine a small planet somewhere in the universe that has become infested with a malefic, cosmos-spanning spore colony. This colony has somehow arrived, and creeps across the planetary surface, consuming everything in its path. The players represent rescue forces that are gathering planetary elements (such as water, plantlife, minerals, etc.), facing the realization that they can’t save it all. Players are forced to select one of two elements present on each card, then flip the card over to its blank side as the spores infest the region.
So how will the player re-create this planet on their mothership? Which of the planetary elements will become their focus, earning them more Merit? Which of the rescuers will be judged as the most effective by the Universal Preservation Council? This is the crux of the game.
Some progress has been made so far today, and motivation is high to begin playtesting with the components I have so far (one position token and 12 small cubes per player, two score tracking sheets, and a deck of 54 cards).
As progress continues, I hope to keep posting here (I admit that this will be primarily so I can stay motivated to finish this game before the deadline…!)
Take care everyone, and best of success to you. :)