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An open-world graphical roguelike. Still in development. · By Cynapse


A topic by jaxxlong created Aug 30, 2017 Views: 576 Replies: 8
Viewing posts 1 to 5

my ideas for this game in the long run would be a slight change in the leveling system, to have it have a cap level but add a stat point distributor or skill distributor that gets points for every 10k or so exp. another idea is of course more types of items. the arena needs more work too, like i have to use a ranged weapon to kill the enemies and i can only do one day for some reason. more enchantments, leveled and more diverse enemies, and an upgraded companion system. i hope you take all of this into consideration and thank you for the time to read this.

  • "slight change in the leveling system, to have it have a cap level but add a stat point distributor or skill distributor

Interesting idea. I'm not sure if I'm going to go down this route, but it's definitely worth a look. I'm hoping for a low power curve for the game, but as I get further in development, it becomes increasingly impossible. I think being more liberal with stat points would be okay.  

  • "the arena needs more work too, like i have to use a ranged weapon to kill the enemies and i can only do one day for some reason."

You're supposed to teleport into the arena to fight, then get transported back if you win. I broke something in the quest system for the last update. This will be fixed for next time. There is also only a series of seven quests in the current version. Being able to do more randomly generated waves bases on difficulty is in my notes. 

  • "more enchantments, leveled and more diverse enemies, and an upgraded companion system."

What do you mean by enchantments? Weapon modifiers? Enemies and better companions come with time. My focus has been on QoL and fixes recently.

the idea of a level cap is horrendous to me

and i like the idea that stats are mostly connected to bodyparts and skill is connected to experience like it is now. maybe have bodyparts get better after some time so that people that refuse to mutate can improve their stats a little? like having a well trained muscly arm instead of a wimpy arm. could also give a slight debuff to a newly acquired bodypart when you are still getting used to it, it would probably take some time to learn all the things you would like to do with the tentacles you just acquired

a lvl cap means you cant roam the world forever and while that is not something everyone will want to do for every game it would be removing an option 

By not having a level cap, I would have to make much more content to suit post-late-game characters. That may be feasible down the road, but I'm having trouble balancing even a finite and incomplete game at the moment. If this were more than an after-work project, I would definitely consider it, but that's not the case. I wish I could cater to every play style, and every kind of person drawn to Axu, but the unfortunate reality is that I cannot.

I do like the idea of increasing the strength of body parts, but I don't want to have players get too cozy with a set of limbs, and never experimenting with other body configurations. It's a very precarious balance I still haven't worked out.

now i feel like your previous idea of each arm controls a different weapon, but id change that thought into, a main hand and a sub hand, with accessory hands that could carry torches or artifacts, and have dual wield and great strength as prerequisites to use two two handed weapons. then there needs to be a much more diverse type of body parts, all the severed body parts i get are terrible compared to my normal ones, and its near impossible for me to find a good part in healers, but when i do i get too many to buy from just one guy.

"all the severed body parts i get are terrible compared to my normal ones, and its near impossible for me to find a good part in healers"

All severed body parts have the same stats for now. I'm still working on that area of the game. Healers are supposed to have limbs for emergencies, not ones to directly upgrade your character. Body structure is still very early on, And will hopefully be much more flexible in the future. 

just an idea for the balance

dont worry too much about it, instead of balancing the world around a character build the story to allude to danger in areas

make the difficulty dependent on where you are instead of how high your lvl is, its how i tended to mod my skyrim, it meant you did sometimes run into a place that was way too dangerous but as long as retreat is an option that isnt too bad, it could even give a goal, to one day become strong enough to walk there

it does require a bit more lore then there is now, maybe have some guards patrolling warning you away from a great treat or some peasant running away in a panic shouting about the horror they are running from, and maybe after you stop them and hear their tale if you feel brave enough you can get a timed quest to clear his home of that treat, a system like that will make the world seem more alive instead of just a reflection of the character but slightly less. it would require the story to be expanded, for legends and tales of the horror beyond the grasslands to be found in the villages, maybe some books describing the fauna in the world

its probably easier to do then trying to anticipate peoples capability of minmaxing, but its just a suggestion

Absolutely. There are some areas which are, by default, are more difficult than others. I don't plan on taking the time to add such legends throughout the world, especially procedural ones. I would mostly scale the difficulty by biome and distance from the center. That way, the Tundra and Desert would be among the more difficult areas to traverse. Of course there would be pockets of very hostile areas scattered about, like Swamps and such. Good idea though. 

I'm just gonna leave some more ideas for the futures

1: More random encounters while fast traveling: I like the whole bandits ambushing you thing, I do, but after a while of it being the only thing to find while fast traveling makes it a bit less fun, I was thinking maybe some kind of traveling merchant? One that sells really rare items and weaponry, but he's really rare to find, and his items scale with your level, so there's no way in hell you could  like, have a ton of money early game and then get lucky and run into him and just instawin.

2: More miniboss/bosses: I love the combat, It's genuinely one of my favorite aspects, but once you get later in the game, you tend to just one or two shot everything, even most mini bosses, maybe like some random dungeons strewn throughout the map that have super high level enemies and a boss at the end, and that boss has a bunch of HP,  and some unique attacks you have to learn, and then said boss could drop some really cool gear that you can't get anywhere else, which leads me to my third suggestion

3: More unique weaponry: One of the biggest drawbacks in the game are the lack of epic endgame weaponry (or maybe i'm just really greedy, or i havent found anything cool :P) Like sure, there's the redeemer's spear, and the sword of fate, but usually I find myself just finding an op special club or something (Like that 3d4+2 femur i found that carried me to endgame no trouble, never swapped it out, ever.) and then just using it all the time and nothing else, I think there should be bosses that can drop unique stuff, like maybe a bandit king that you can kill, and he has a magical baseball bat or something, anything really with a story, like the redeemers spear, giving little things story makes all the difference.

4: Less Random NPCs: The NPCs are easily the least fun part of this, you got your basic civilian, guards, Xul, Kin of the Deep, Ensis, doctors and merchants, and then a few storyline ones: What I'm thinking is maybe add some random wandering characters, (Kinda Fallout-esque) that you can find while fast traveling, like maybe it'll be a place of interest, and say (for example) There's a guy working on some kind of hovercar or something, and then he's like "Oh get me some materials and I'll give you some cool stuff that I don't need anymore, and once you bring all the stuff to him, he fixes up the hovercar and it explodes, and you get all of his stuff, and he maybe has some cool gear, little quirky characters with their own personalities would just liven this world right up

5: More sidequests: I'm sure you have this planned, but sidequests are far too few, you have the humonculus one, the champion one, and that weird one with the vampire (which i'm pretty sure broke my game, i couldnt attack monsters, but maybe that was because i was playing for several hours straight) and thats kinda it, and those are all storyline initiated, I think having stuff like the hovercar guy would really lengthen the gameplay by a ton, and make me love the game even more.

Please note, I'm anything but a game developer, just a casual gamer who wants to help make this already great game into an even better one, Thanks in advance : )