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Fan Lore: Country Overview (2) : Begus (part 2)

A topic by VASH581 created May 21, 2021 Views: 795 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 2
(2 edits)

Link to part 1


        For Begus, war is a test on their faith. To test whether they can truly adhere to his word without being corrupted by monsters. To test whether they can represent the will of the God. 

        The local nobles are responsible of raising, commanding, and supplying troops in their region. This reduce the burden of logistic for Calterburry and makes sure any crimes and sporadic undead attack can be responded quickly with local garrison, but it means soldiers (except for those raised in Calterburry) can be easily controlled by their regional commanders and the nobles. This also means uniting all units into a single chain of command is difficult thus hampering their effectiveness when fighting on national scale. 

        However, this doesn’t mean Begus military is something to be scoffed at. Their equipment consists of top-quality weapons and armor hailed from dwarven forge. Plus they are supported by the strongest air force in the continent: Angelic Wing. Begus also possesses a final trick up its sleeve if all things failed: Holy War! With it practically the entire Begus will be mobilized by the church to fight against the enemy of God and secure their place in heaven. Do not underestimate the strength of thousands of apostles willing to die fighting for God. Deus Vult! 

Honorable Army of Begus 

        Due to the peaceful ideology of their religion, Begus army isn’t designed to fight other human countries. (Except when they are invaded, of course) Instead, their primary duties are defending against monsters/undead as well as policing against crime. When holy war is declared, they will be bestowed the title “Crusader” which means the moral restrictions on not fighting humans are removed and their service will become the will of God. Their sins will be indulged and their places in heaven will be guaranteed. 

        Sometimes the army will be requested by the church to chase off species that refused to move to special zone. Most commanders aren’t that zealous but there’s another reason that compelled them to do so: Undead Lord. They’ve already suffered so much against undead raised from the bodies of fellow human and they certainly hope the Undead Lord doesn’t have access to the bodies of stronger species. What if Libelle, the cat dragonic, was killed and reanimated by Undead Lord? An undead DRAGON! The risk of mass civilian casualties is just too much to bear so most commanders decided to play along to remove the threat preemptively. 


The basic soldiers. Even though they wear the same blue and yellow uniforms, the capabilities of each enforcers vary from regions to regions depending on the leading nobles and commanders. Members are usually composed of levies and volunteers. Levies are only called upon when emergencies happened to bolster the number as they receive little to no training. On the other hand, volunteers will not only fight in wars but also act as police force, thus they’re not only trained in combat but also trained in police duties such as patrol, crime investigations and crowd control. Of course, they’ll receive better pay than levies. 


Capable enforcers will be promoted to this position as officers and chief of police. They’ll receive their iconic green uniforms, heavier equipment, as well as officer training and some basic holy magic. 


 Extraordinary individuals will be given a chance to join this prestigious rank as the heroes of Begus. They’ll be sent to Calterburry for training and once they graduate, they’ll receive special blessings from the angels themselves such as regeneration aura and others. Paladins are exceptional at shielding damage and psychological attack, then vanquish evil creatures with their holy spells and weapons. As they are the embodiment of justice itself, misdemeanors won’t be tolerated. Such as there’s once a paladin exceptional at shielding others but was kicked out due to her “troublesome” fetish. 

Royal guard 

Led by captain Bernardus, they are elite soldiers that are responsible of the safety of royal family. Due to their strength, Queen Jeanne would occasionally send them to help with undead attack, much to the displeasure of Bernardus. Not because he hates the order as killing the undead is a good change of pace than standing idle in the palace, but because he worries that they can’t protect their beloved queen when they stretch thin. 

Royal miner 

 Royal miners are a group of proficient dwarfs that work as elite engineers. Their job is to travel between different mines on request to either search for monsters, inspect tunnel safety, and help with mining accident. They would also construct various makeshift structure such as tunnel support beams and medical posts. 

Order of Begus 

        Order of Begus is a group of armed agents that are directly commanded by the church. They would be sent along with missionaries and priests to different towns, especially those with lots of undead or high rate of crimes. In peace time they will help missionaries and local communities with dangerous jobs. When the undead attack they will help local garrisons with their holy spells. These religious combatants also serve as a personal army for the church to maintain power. 


Evangelists are high ranking clerics and scholars that serve as the “carrot” of the church. Their job in peace time, apart from spreading the word of God, is giving advanced educations and help with healing that normal priests couldn’t handle. When it comes to fighting, their main job is to stay at the rear and support the front line with healing spells and protect everyone from fear or other psychological attack with their faith-based magic. 


Inquisitors are warriors and professors of theology & law that serve as the “stick” of the church. In peace time they serve as arbitrators to solve disputes and occasionally help local garrisons with police duty and legal consult. When the undead attack they’ll rush to the front line and crush those skeletons with their giant hammer of justice as well as bombard the rest with offensive holy spells. 

 Adventurer Guild 

        Begus has the most well-established adventurer institution compared to other 3 countries due to many reasons: 

1. Having lots of unexplored dungeons and the wild land in the east that offers infinite possibilities. 

2. Endless jobs of monster hunting thanks to problems from undead and other species. 

3. Weak central government means adventurers have high level of freedom without being molested or force into service by authorities. 

         Adventurer Guild technically doesn’t belong to government and they stick to the rule of never touch jobs about inter-human/angel/dwarf conflict, though they will gladly cooperate with the army when it comes to national crisis against monsters.They have facilities all over the country, with their most iconic training base being Spire of Courage. Over the years they have produce countless adventurers that become legends, such as Hayrick’s group, the raid groups that had slain numerous monsters and counting, as well as the two Vampire hunters that, despite hating each other, have exorcised vampires together so often that some rumors claim they’re actually couples. There are also many others with more… “unique” characteristics like there’s this one adventurer that refused to take any jobs except killing goblins and the other one that couldn’t use any offensive weapons other than a shield. 

 Angelic Wing 

 Angelic Wing is currently the strongest battle-proven air force in the world. Angels can be divided into 3 orders, with each can be further divided into 3 tiers, a total of 9 tiers: 

 High Orders (Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones) can be seen as generals. They are the most powerful angels with the highest authorities. Due to their rarity, however, they usually stay in the back to organize other angels and wouldn’t join the fight unless absolutely have to. 

 Middle Orders (Dominions, Virtues, Powers) can be seen as NCOs. Their job is mainly leading lower tier angels in the front line and occasionally deal with tough opponents. 

 Low Orders (Principalities, Archangels, Angels) can be seen as privates. They are the weakest, but the most numerous. Even so, their holy spells are still several time more powerful than other species. 

Valkyrie squadron 

 These combat focused angels, with their potent spells and proficient fighting skills in both long and short range, are task with engaging flying enemy as well as assisting the ground force in fighting strong enemy, especially evil aligned monsters and undead. 

Choir squadron 

 Instead of fighting, these angels utilize their angelic singing to boost their ally’s spirit and prevent their morale from collapsing. They also work as flying medics, quickly extract the wounded from the battlefield and heal them with spells.

Opinions on other countries 

         The goal of the church of Begus is to unite all human nations together under the peaceful banner of God. To do this they’ve been sending missionaries to other countries throughout the years with various degree of success. 


Begus sees Amagal as a psych ward. Instead of God, they preach magic and knowledge to the point even the most religious bishop would call feverous. The missionary they sent came back with reports that everyday these lunatics surrounded him with questions like “Do angels retract their wings under their skins like cat claws?”and “Does halo count as an organ?”.The conversion is going nowhere so they decided to postpone it for the time being. 


Begus is sick of Dorgania’s cruelty, especially their slavery. The fact that their king and officials don’t even care about their sin only further infuriate the church. But due to Dorgania’s military might, the long distance between the 2 countries and the undead crisis back at home, Begus decided to remain neutral relationship with them for now.Despite vehement condemnations from the church, many Begus adventurers and caravans would travel to Dorgania for dangerous but lucrative monster hunting beyond their western border, studying new monsters or selling dwarven weapons to this huge market of militaristic country. 


Compared to other foreign countries, Central is easily the best choice for Begus to make friends with. For years Begus missionaries have been doing their job inside Central without much trouble as Central is tolerant to religion, though sometimes they find it too tolerant to make Church of Begus the dominant religion. Trading flourished as Begus need tropical crops and herbs from Central and Central’s small military need quality dwarven weapons. Due to close distance and open border, adventurers often travel between countries to explore each other’s dungeons. Despite there are some differences like opinions toward demi-humans, church of Begus still sees Central the best springboard toward building a peaceful world.

That's it for now. The last country Dorgania will be coming soon. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Other countries : Amagal / Dorgania / Central

You won't do a fan lore about central ?

At least not now.

One of the problem is,  this game is already viewing things from Central's perspective. So far I couldn't come up with interesting lore without basically repeat the script in this game.

Another problem is lore about Central is too susceptible to future change. For example, I'll probably have to come up with new lore about military every time a new vanguard commander is added because some small details might reveal the lore that isn't compatible with mine.

But I'll definitely try if I could solve these problems.

My overview on Central is complete! If you're interested go check it out!