I have a bunch of suggestion, from a very novice point of view. I'm not a developer, i'm not used to game's engines, but i did try some of then just because i'm curious about stuff. So, my general knowledge is very low.
+ Now i think i can only click and drag items. I'd like to have the ability to move items from/to inventory to/from chest with shift+click, or double click, or something.
+ Now i think i have to place all voxels one by one when in editing tool. I'd like to have more tools like mirror xyz, fill empty holes in a layer with selected color, and more mouse shortcuts : left to place, right to delete, middle to move the view.
+ Now i think i need to select "edit", then click on a tile, then delete, to delete a tile on the world map. Just like for voxel editor, i'd like to simply Ctrl or Shift or Right or Middle click to do so.
I'll add more later, but these are the main things i thought about after less than an hour messing with RPGInABox.
Edit :
+ It seems in Map editor, middle click rotate the view by defaut, but in the voxel editor, right click rotate the view. Should be the same everywhere.
+ In the map editor, i would expect right click to rotate, and middle click to pan the view, but to pan the view i have the click and switch to FreeCamera instead (edit my bad, shift+middle click does that)
+ The process of editing a voxel is quite painful, undess i've missed options. I'd like to draw line, but i can only do so if there is already a voxel placed next to the one i want to place. So to create an empty cube 16x16, i have to place manually all single voxel, and that's only for a basic cube shape.
Edit :
+ In the Map editor, i have to use wasd keys to move the view, but for keyboards such as my "TypeMatrix bépo" it's not really fair. The arrows should be in use en the editors too, not only ingame.
+ Messing with the Navigation paths is uneasy. I'd like to remove all path from a map, to delete all path in a tile whatever the altitude, and to delete more than one link at once by click and drag (it seems limited to one by one).
Edit :
+ Would be nice if the program could remember my defaut path instead of always pointing to my desk.
+ I've had a weird bug, didn't manage to reproduce yet. I made a gif. As you can see, i cannot move the windows nor the links without moving the view, making the process almost impossible. Restart the prog fixed it.
+ When editing fo example the map's name, and then going to the script, i don't have the choice to select the "new" map, it's not updated.