Pretty please?
Controls voice acting in battle sequences in RPG Maker MV and MZ · By
Reportedly, this plugin is compatible with RPG Maker MZ using the FOSSIL plugin (which adds MZ compatibility to a number of MV plugins.)
(Tested myself) Subtitles seem a little weird. They appear in the upper-left instead of just above the battle details as in MV. They also interfere with the default battle text. Still... they do work.
Ultimately. I do need to see what does and doesn't work with MZ and why. Dualtechs surprised me by working fine without updates - the MZ version of the Dualtechs plugin just takes the "turn linking" functionality that previously required other plugins and adds it to MZ's ATB mode.
I haven't gotten to this plugin yet outside the FOSSIL test mentioned above, but I wonder if the subtitle window will be the only concern.
Did I not reply to this? Sorry about that. The answer is yes - just as Dualtechs are available to anyone who has MV and MZ. Just... life has been busy. If you only have MZ, I will advise against my own best interests and recommend you just wait for an MZ version if you want subtitles and so on to work properly.