64gigs RAM, GTX 1060, Intel CPU
- To-do list doesn't update, at all, other than cigs smoke. I've gotten the good ending, all items, etc. Nothing has incremented. Some fields show counts of 00/00 (items, for one thing)
- Usable items sometimes disappear, not reappearing until I restart the game. They still function but don't display on screen until I drop them; this makes the vandal eyes almost useless, though I appreciate they still point the right way when I drop them! I don't know what the repro for this is, but it's happened twice now.
- Using the action button on banana slugs seems to kiss them; that is, it's the same as with eggs. If something else is supposed to happen, it doesn't -- but maybe it is the same animation and it's just the to-do counter not incrementing. NEVERMIND I GET IT NOW
- Is there a way to delete pics I've taken?
- It's really difficult to adjust anything slider-based using a controller. Maybe this is purposeful, but it's more of a fun gimmick with a mouse whereas on the control it's an unfun pain. Satview is definitely the worst offender here.
- Similar, at least for my XBox One controller, the default look speed was INSANELY high and it took me a minute to find the option. Like, unplayably high.
- All locked doors reset when I quit the game; not sure if intentional.
- Your merch store had no order confirmation page at all that I saw, although I do have a popup blocker. If there's not one, though, there probably should be? (I did get the confirmation email).
Game is -extremely- great, I love it. Full length BIG MUD album when ????