This is feedback for 0.0.7. Overall, I think your game is very promising. I like the art style. These are the issues I found.
Unity project is still called "A world only Sora knows" and has no icon.
JP font is missing, not packaged in or not used. (Unity will use system based JP font in the editor and when you run it in windows builds)
No 4 star pulls
Tool-tip locations appear a bit inconsistent. (like the office tool-tip is connected to the office but the rest aren't)
You might want to make the "Start combat with this party" button a tad bigger, maybe hide the top and side bars to make room.
There was some odd layering when the slimes were on top of the player characters, where it flickered between on top and behind. You should probably look into changing the z axis as they are attacking to put them on top of what they hit.
I got stuck in a freeze state when one of the slimes died on the first level where it was waiting for that slime to complete it's turn but it was already dead so it couldn't.
(just confirming, the main menu has the quest/summon/party features, and the battle only has sora's lines so far, Enemy descriptions are incomplete but look to be working.)