I'm happy to announce the newest demo build for Interceptor has been released. All the enemy types are now fully implemented after a massive overhaul to enemy and sprite management. The game is close to reaching a "feature complete" state, most of the work that remains is refining mechanics, adding a menu, more levels, music and visual/audio polish.
Interceptor is a top-down, arcade-style, space shooter for the Game Boy. You are an interceptor pilot for the Empire in a war against the Earth Federation, your job is to protect your fleet from enemy bombers, fighters and torpedoes while clearing a path to the enemy fleet for your own bombers and fighters.
For those who wish to put the ROM on a flashcart, the game runs on all Game Boy models from the "grey brick" Game Boy all the way up to the Game Boy Advance and features color modes for the Super Game Boy and Game Boy Color.
Interceptor was created using GBDK-2020, a revival/continuation of the GBDK toolchain that compiles C code into a Game Boy ROM. The game is distributed as a Game Boy ROM file, ready to be loaded into any Game Boy emulator or flashcart to run on live hardware. The demo, and final game, are free. I'm currently also designing a physical cartridge that I can produce in my own workshop so that I can sell physical copies in the future.
Check it out at https://arvex.itch.io/interceptor